Things to know as a beginner

I am a beginner and indeed I have been in Forex for six months now. I joined this forum in the prospect of learning. Could you please let me know how to use this forum with due decorum?

Welcome to the forum.

This site is an educational resource. It’s also an encyclopaedia of information on trading: search on any trading-related subject word or phrase.

In real time you can also post a question on anything which has been puzzling for you. You will get an opinion poll full of ideas.


Start studying here

Then use the search function. Tons of info on this site.



You’re only 6 months in so you’re still at the very start of your journey. You’re Frodo still in his hobbit hole waiting for the adventure to start! Your journey is going to be similar to Frodo’s, it’s going to be a very long and almost impossible journey with lots of obstacles, lots of people who will help you and also lots that will betray and lie to you, and the end result isn’t going to be what you hoped it would be. You’re not going to be rich and it’s not going to be easy to not be rich!

With that said, I strongly recommend you do as advised in previous replies and complete the School of Pipsology. This will give you the basics you need to start your journey before you move into more advanced education.

Good luck :crossed_fingers:

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Welcome to the community! I recommend checking out the forum guidelines first, which you can find here:

Enjoy your stay and see you around!

How to use the forum? Ask any questions be it reasonable or not, you get them reasonable response

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Welcome dear friend,
As most traders have mentioned before, you can start with Pipsology because it is an excellent beginning point for learning about forex fundamentals, and reading here is very helpful.

Hello. Welcome.
Build your own strategy and stick to it for more than a year.
During that time, build your confidence in yourself and your strategy.
Trading is a mental game, so you must feel the confidence and fidelity to you and your trading system.

For the first start, take a look around the website to get to know all its different parts and read some of the comments in Beginner Questions. Also read Pipsology, I think it has good information.

Thank you so much for your suggestion! I must complete the course.