
hi, anyone here use thinkorswim? I’m looking to combine spot positions with options and would apreciate some general feedback on them. Thanks:)

TOS is one of the best platforms out there, I use it for options trading, and stocks , forex charting, you can also start with their demo account

thanks for that flip

I am using TOS also; no complaints. I don’t know how they compare to other Brokers though, which is why I am scanning these posts.

Mmm never heard of them� where are they regulated? Where are they from?

With the switch over to Ameritrade I am starting to see changes. The first change is, when you use to make a ACH transfer request to your bank, you could always go back to see what requests you had online, and change or cancel the request. That ability to see your pending ACH transfer requests was removed. I just chatted with tech support at TOS and they said that the change to remove this functionality was made a couple of months ago. BUT their FAQs state you can still do so. The tech guy told me they will remove that from the FAQ today.

I wonder what other functionality they will change? Maybe for us customers the new ownership is not so good for us as we do not know what all the changes are or will be.