This is about me, bonjour!

Bonjour y´all! I had to learn french since my wife is from France. My accent is horrible, haha. I am Misenti and I am three days old in the world of Forex.

Welcome Misenti! Don’t worry too much about the accent, it’s the effort that counts. :sweat_smile: Forex trading is a journey with lots to discover, so take it one step at a time. Good luck!

I love accents! Makes conversations so much more interesting and lively! But also, we don’t have to worry about accents here lol. Good luck and hope to see you around here again!

Thank you guys. I will definitely hang out around here as there is a lot to learn.

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My name is Fidel. I’m new to your forum and glad to meet everyone. Have a nice day, everyone!

Welcome Fidel! Great to have you here! How’s your trading journey going so far?

Hey Fidel! Welcome and it’s great to meet you too. Enjoy your time here!