This is about me, bonjour!

Well, I’m popularly known as “bonjour” cos I was enthusiastic about speaking french, somehow the zeal left me and I’m on a path of rediscovery. It was on that path I realized I could hire myself a french teacher and i realized I’d be needing money for that so I decided I’d be part of the forex family. I’m a total noob, and I’ve not got the capital yet so I’m looking to get the hang of things through a demo account and hone my skills until I’m able to show up on Forbes list with some ridonkulous net worth. I’d like to connect with people on here cos I’m pretty lonely too.


Are you trying to learn forex trading or French? :open_mouth:


Based on what you said then I guess, Bonjour “Bonjour”. Why french? Because once I was eager to learn it too.

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Bonjour! Learning a new language can be quite an adventure!

You’re not alone in being a total noob! We all start somewhere, and using a demo account is a smart way to get the hang of things without risking your capital.

We’re all in this together! Happy trading and rediscovering yourself along the way!

keep patience when trading in a demo account , most traders trade at trading during demo trading.

Bonjooour! :blush: Haha. I also tried learning French but its the most difficult for me among the European languages offered at my university (Or maybe tie with German. :thinking:) :sweat_smile: Forex can be just as challenging as that, or even more. :sweat_smile: It’s not something that’ll help you land on the Forbes list, but it’s definitely worth it. :blush:

sounds really good that you willing to learn , most of the beginners always try to skip the learning issue .

i always prefer real account instead of demo even though it a little bit costly .

Hi and welcome to BP community :slight_smile:

Welcome to the community, @bread-pitt. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

welcome to this community , have a very good journey from there. happy trading

hi and welcome ,

Why? I think it’s better for beginners to start with a Demo account.

I could use the both tbh

Thankssss… So how many languages do you know?
Trust me, I know it’s challenging

Isn’t that why they become failures or remain being beginners? I don’t want to be any of them.

Hello and welcome, bonjour! How is it going for you so far? Hope you’re having a great time here! Good luck!

Sounds tough to be learning two difficult things at the same time! Have you started the school section here? :slight_smile:

What kind of school is it?

I meant the babypips school :sweat_smile:

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