This is myself now

Hi Everybody

Glad to be here, I am new trader, or better I have been trading for a while but never constantly, now I have been trading everyday for the last six months and still struggling to be constantly profitable, Hope I can learn something from you more advanced traders and benefit from your advice.

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Hi and welcome to BP community :slight_smile:

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Hi. Trading is both a science and an art. Accept learning as a process, and keep in mind that improvement frequently results from persistence.

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Is it live or demo? Also what kind of strategy are you using? :slight_smile:

That is the norm for over 80% of new traders. Just keep learning by your mistakes and persevering with your strategy and process - that is, if you are confident with it. Chopping and changing is not the key to success.

Also, you do not have to trade every day to be successful. Aim to only trade what you consider is a positive probability of being on the right side of a trade.

best of luck.

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Welcome to BP, Bluesky. :blush: There are lots of very nice and helpful people here so I’m sure that if you have any questions, you can just ask away. :slight_smile:

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It is a live account and I am using this strategy mainly

h ttps://

And I use to open two charts for the same pair were I put the MACD and Pivot points as extra confirmation

What do you think?

Welcome to the community, @Bluesky0094. Hope to hear more from you in the future. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

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Looks good to me but I’m a new trader so what do I know lol. I’ve never seen that YT account before! This strategy is what you’ve been doing for the last 6 months?

Yes I have been using this strategy for 6 months I haven’t blowed my account, but neither I have made profits.

It is like one day I win, the other I loose everything I have made the day before. So I feel like I am in a limbo and my PNL never goes up.

I strongly advice you to check all that YT account and watch the videos, I watched them all and now decided to invest in my study, so I have bought a subscription to a website with a lot of info, videos, tools and indicators access to community and much more and is seriously helping me.

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Welcome! Kudos to you for trading every day for the last six months! It shows dedication and determination, and that’s something to be proud of.

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How much does he charge?

the charge is 20 gbp per month, and i believe they are very worth if you interested i can pass you the link

Thank you for kind words, I wish I will be successful one day.

Yeah you can DM me or post here if you’re able to!

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Hahaha real funny :joy:

Welcome! You have to understand that skills development has a compound effect rather than linear. It means you have to go through a desperation phase to get to the enlightenment stage.
Just keep on trading and if you still have your initial deposit is a pretty good sign.