the answer is 4100,
how much you got?
but yes, its a bit confusing.
one time i got 5100, next time 5000
52 hundred six fifty and 300 cents.Ha ha.
Lol man, you confused me with that “answer”. At first I calculated it 4100 and then scrolled down and saw your replay and started thinking:”Hm it might be something with the comas and dots after the numbers. For example 2500 USD and 50 cents should be 2,500.5000 if you enter it in excel with checked 1000 Separator and 4 Decimal places”
Conclusion: Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one
I’ve seen a longer username than yours
it was something like this
something like that hehe
The weird usage of periods and commas make it a little bit confusing, but i’m guessing that’s the point
Should we list all of the results in order to get it right?
Answer is 5000 - It’s just a list, with returns thrown in to confuse the issue, but the commas and the full stop from teh original list have not been removed !
[Edit - there’s a possible case to be made for 5030, since tehre is no puntuation at the end of line 4 and no clarification in line 5.
So what’s the answer ?
That’s an old joke. Its thing is that everyone acts like they understand but are affraid to admit that they didn’t get it.
that sounds very similar to something i did with 2 other mates in 2nd grade.
at lunch time all 3 of us stood under a tree and pointed to a specific leaf on a certain branch at the top of the tree.
the leaf was not the point.
we just stood there and said to each other “Holy Crap… Look at that… Look at it… wow… can you believe it… Look at that”
and then someone would come along and say "what is is"
and we’d be pointing at nothing and saying "can you see it … it’s right there, look at it… can’t you see it"
a few more people wander over
and then a few more
and then ONE BRAVE SOUL SAYS “i see it… i see it” LOL
then around 5 people follow the Queue
and we slowly backed away from the crowd and went away to continue playing handball LMFAO
it was funny shit, something i’ll never forgoet
they stood their for the remaineder of lunch time looking at nothing, there was like 50 kids all up. or close to it.