This post is for all of you wannabe Fulltime Forex Traders

it is great reading what you have to say. very interesting and educational. thanks

hey Dale
hereā€™s the link
Michael A Bacarella

egg or not Iā€™d like to see the guy make that goal but I still think itā€™s a very long shot.

RCarter has mentioned someone who made it to a mill in 3 years. Even that is a remarkable accomplishment I think.

Possible, not possible? Yes itā€™s possible. Even my EA would make 23 million bucks out of 1600 in 10 months if i tweak the lot size by factor 6. Thats under 6% risk per trade. Maximum drawdown below 20%. Thatā€™s less than most systems have with so called ā€œlow riskā€. Would I do it that way? Definitely not! But itā€™s possible ā€¦

Why donā€™t you ?

Sounds pretty risky.

Good question!

Because I want to grow my account and not shrink it. I mean, if I am above 1000% ROI and my system shows it will work like it looks like now, I might slowly increase my risk. But not that much. I want to survive and not get killed by a heart attack. If I imagine I would be at the magic 1 million usd and then it runs down 200k. Oh, oh ā€¦

what means ROI:confused:

Rate of teturn i.e. how much you get back from how much you initially invest.

To be more specific ROI stands for Return on Investment.

after some research I found out that there is a series 3 and 7 licensed michael barcerela and he is in fact a commodity tradingadviser that worked for Barclays in the state of Florida and the dude might be legit. Barclays wouldnt tell me anything when I called them but im definatly going to watch his blog to see if he can pull it off. Kudos to him if he does but if he is as rich as he says he is then $1,000,000 in a year doesnt really affect his bankroll that much

So there is somewhere that you can find a list of who is licensed? where did you find that?

Maybe so, but the one from this thread, his name is Michael A Bacarella.
see his enclosed bank statement for the correct name.:smiley:

Well whatever his nameā€¦ heā€™s made a bold claim. Iā€™m a poet and didnā€™t even know it! OK Iā€™ll stop now. :smiley:

I for one will be following his blog. To my knowledge if he achieves this he will be the first to have done so. :slight_smile:

Where do you guys get this info about him? Seems semi-illegal. Lol

Another reason why one should never use their real name on the internet. Some of you guys should work for the CIA

Itā€™s only illegal if you get caughtā€¦

oh an update on the GBP/USD tade that I mentioned back a few postsā€¦
Nice! :smiley:

Yes, same as a tree doesnā€™t make any noise when it falls down in the forest when no one is listening :smiley:

Heā€™s gone. No updates on his blog since the 21th of Oct. Heā€™s not getting any closer to his $1M goal.

Hm I really really hope its really just bronchitis and not traderitis.

Hi mikeanthonyb,
I am new in Fx and just became a resident, live in US.Would like to open an account with Europe broker. I could not find information about Tax what I will pay on income if I trade with NON-US broker. Maybe you will be so kind to describe is it any difference on issue?
As I understood if I am trading with US broker, I have to use IRS section 1256.Am I correct?
Maybe you can give me an idea where i can find the information regarding Tax issues. I would be really thankful, for your answer.