This post is for all of you wannabe Fulltime Forex Traders

Mike, in your post#20 you state :"… If I have a method that makes me $10000 per day, I’m going to use it and make $10000 a day. [B]I’m not going to give it away and have competition that is going to take away some of my $10000 per day. [/B] Question is what drives/motivates you to teach us? Another question - you said 99% in FX bool***** trying to teach etc. How you distingwish 1% who left? what the criterias? Thank you for your efforts.

if you wouldve read the entire post Tyman, you wouldve seen why I am teaching some information for newbies. The criteria comes down to money. If you are making alot of money from trading, then it is safe to say that you know what you are doing.

Why do you call him Tyman?

[I]“Bottom Line: Have NO DEALING DESK. ECN or STP up to you!”[/I]

I am a Canadian newbie looking for a decent broker. Should I look for a Canadian broker or an US broker?

because its Tymen. Him and I had a falling out on another website that his trading system composed of just Bollinger Bands, and I quote Tymen “intuition” to lead a small group of forex traders to success using BB and intuition. Another blind leading the blind case. Hes not very happy with me for calling him out and thus he thinks he is slick and is trying to get the one up on me. Nonetheless, I am by far much more intelligent in all senses, whether it be socially, trading, street smart etc than he is to know when someone is trying to play a game.

If you do an advanced search for that other alias on this page to see what posts, youll notice he only has three, both of which are congratulating tymen on some bull**** whatever. Its just an alias, Tymen is simply an internet marketer trying to offer free information and build a client base. He has a website and everything and already has a collection of a few emails.

Hi, I’m a Chinese newbie too and want to share all information with you all

So far I’ve not seen anything from you showing that you are intelligent, in fact the way you’ve been operating outside of this site suggests certainly puts into question your “social intelligence”. You might be a good trader, if so prove it by posting your method instead of just boasting about it.

Its just an alias, Tymen is simply an internet marketer trying to offer free information and build a client base. He has a website and everything and already has a collection of a few emails.

Hmm…tymen1 certainly is a patient internet marketer…his candlestick trading thread is now 30 months old and I’ve yet to see him take advantage of his “client base”

I really hope we can keep this thread on track…



thirded haha

Hello there,
I’m still in my 8th grade of the Pips School and there are still certain aspects which are not yet clarified, however I find this post of great interest.
Thanks to MikeAnthony and all the contributors for it.

Will revert with/if any questions.

Well I really wish that we continue in the direction we are going. If anyone has a problem or thinks that MikeAnthonyB has problems, then let them start their own thread and we can leave it up to the moderators how they want to deal with that.

Let everyone do their thing. Dont bother others if you just had a social falling out with them, if there is really a problem, come with the evidence as well as an alternative. Otherwise, bug off!

Mike, I cant wait for you to post your document and I am sure you know this already and its part of your ABC, dont worry about the haters!

Hi Mike, sorry if my question disturb you. Would like to tell that I’m totally new in FX. I’m learning. Start about year ago by readiding books. But they far from reality. Then I found forexoma. Good site with Vahid as teacher. Read main thread , but he terned to commercial base and closed free lessons. Then I found Graviton’s thread on multi frame trading. In the middle of the thread I start getting refference on CBL method. It force me to read Tymen’s thread. But it was not finished due to he was banned on BP. Then I found your thread and see that it is simple, good and might be what I’m looking for. So forget about Tymen and focus on what are doing. I’m personaly expecting continuation of your lessons with high entusiasm and hope to see some practical, live trading together as well. Sorry again if I create any problem.Regards,Beginer

Mike, I am very excited to see your system. Generally, the best way to handle posts you don’t like on your thread is just to ignore them. Your non-answer is their answer. If they are smart they’ll get the point. If not, well, you can’t fix stupid.

Aha, so that was the reason, didn’t know about that stuff. I have some thoughts and may not agree entirely with you but enough about that, this thread should be about trading and nothing else.

Does anybody agree with this? :confused: I watched some videos on youtube stophunting that called it Metatrader Manager Server, I think every market has a centralized controlling computer, and in forex, I think this centralized robot that everything feeds into goes right onto our client platform and direct accesses all information to trade against us with 100% accuracy including dwarfing all traders by trading the bulk of account margin, that means to me if we are trading a combined ten million dollars, like a bank this true expert advisor is trading billions, and by that I mean I don’t think we are really trading against each other, I’m not saying give up and don’t trade, but I think that like gambling, the robot has a built-in odds mixer to keep people playing, but I think after some success, a trader should scale way way back in size, maybe not trade for a while. I’m trying to stay positive but there is stuff happening almost every trade that makes me frustrated, angry, and especially suspicious about this market and I am using some good ideas I picked up off various sites like this, for example, last night the EURJPY came right up exactly to my order line FOUR times, to the pip, how does that work? and then reversed each time without enabling even one pip and then it reversed sharply and I had no choice but to relinguish the trade, and these suspicious movements happen trade after trade. I keep snapshots that are like wow. Quite often, as soon as I’m in, it moves sideways right along my line for an hour or more or it is pressing back just relentless. It seems if I am having success, averaging twenty pips, all hell breaks loose to get it back and more. I am taking a day off and then I’m going to run my lastest EA FXsux.

Hi Michael,

I read a Power Point presentation of yours and I have to say that I’m very pleased for what I saw. From experience I can testify that that’s the way to trade and to take the market’s pulse, and even though there have been a few threads in here presenting that information, none has come to a conclusion or the information is not very clear to all.

I like the fact that you’re doing it in a very easy way, and it’ll be great if information flow smoothly through this thread’s pages. I know many people will benefit from it, including myself.

Enough said… Now waiting for your posts. :slight_smile:

Where did you find the PP presentation?
Thanks :slight_smile:

he started out sounding good here so I hope this doesn’t turn out to be just another blind leading the blind… but I’m still open minded and looking forward to more posts.

According to Mike’s post in another thread on another forum he has just recently started trading…

I really really like this forum

Keeping this all in mind, I’m still really interested in the doc.