This post is for all of you wannabe Fulltime Forex Traders

Loved this at the top of the page as well, so true.

What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others.
Confucius (551BC–479BC)

I read a Power Point presentation


Ha ha, that’s funny. Thanks TalonD for the info. :slight_smile:

Yes, he is a newbie. Even more newbie than I am, lol.

Even more funnier all the groupies around here who want to get rich easy and fast.

Let me think aloud: There is no holy grail and if there would be one and it would be revealed to the public it wouldn’t be any more a holy grail. The second a couple of people start using it and get profitable, they just fight themself. That’s the law of trading. A small group might have success, but not a large group via public forums. How can everybody be more rich than the other?

So, if anybody want to become rich in a couple of decades (learning, to become LIFE SMART and not just street smart, included), do your work. Invest blood and sweat to learn and then we might meet at the top of cloud number 7. [B]Maybe![/B] :wink:

Well, I am still lurking to see myself be taught wrong, lol.

he may be a new trader as it seems but if he has good information to share then like I said, I am open minded and looking forward to more posts. If his information is anything like the CD’s I’ve been watching then it should be good information for new traders… I’m not one to pass judgment untill I see what all he has to offer so I hope this doesn’t deter him from posting more.

I tend to take things at face value but I do my due dilligence also… google is your friend :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, google is also my good friend.

But honestly I did not expect much here. How many ppl start posting something like this and then in the end it comes all to the conclusion: Another fake out.

What he wrote there looks more like a greenhorn to me. Why would I make time my enemy? I have a strong goal: 100 million dollars. But the time frame is my lifetime and not 2 or 5 years. Even if I get “only” 100k dollars out of my 1k investment, that would be more than great. Plus I would like to see the money first and then I would start dreaming about islands with runways and all that. Not yet.

Regarding that newbie: I do not say a newbie can’t find a star. A newbie has the advantage of an open mind. I for myself found a system with around 60 trades or so all profitable in 2 years. Nobody believes this, but that is not my problem, as long as my account shows the profit, lol. There is only one thing: I would not reveal that to anybody. Because I know: In the end nobody would make gains from ist. You may give some advice or tips, but the second you give such a robot to the public, you will just see a spike on the charts and that’s it. You can throw it then to the trash can.

Anyways, I am not a completely newbie. I have 30 years IT experience, 15 years banker experience and 10 years investment experience. And I am still fighting with myself. That’s why I let my robots trade. And that’s why my warning signs got flashing, when anybody says he is smart in everything and as newbie he will make 250k out of 1k in a year. He still has to prove that for himself, I guess.

As I wrote: Let’s see if I am wrong. If he can prove me/us wrong, I wouldn’t have a problem with that. I don’t post this because of busting anybody, but to think aloud what I think. As he wrote for himself and Blackswan pasted: 99% of people lie. Particularly if it comes to Forex or big money in general.

Based on my interactions with him in another venue I could have told you he had nothing to share. Just another obnoxious troll looking to run others down and brag about his trading prowess - all the while never sharing any real trading information.

Nothing to see here… move along.

…Mike, just 3 words for you:


And furthering due diligence…

Michael A Bacarella

mikeanthonyb (dot) wordpress (dot) com

I don’t know you, but you do seem to be misleading and a bit aggressive. Just share and don’t act like we need you to part the seas and show us the way to Forex riches.

That said, I suppose there is a possibility that an enigma can come along and bend Forex spoons with only his mind in the first year, but if he were to claim as such, I would expect that it would be 99% likely to be BS. Though I appreciate anyone sharing information and posting progress.

Edit: Changed a couple of things because I thought I was being unfair. I hope you don’t mind me posting your name here, though it’s posted right on your site and considering your last post on that site was on Oct 12 I assume you were planning on posting a link here to share your info.

ok mike just came into our chatroom, and i asked him if he had viewed his thread yet…

he said no, and came to check it out…

5 mins later he came back and said “bwahaha thats funny, well i guess the bp post went sour”

and left!

that was 20 mins ago…and he still hasnt come here to post or defend himself!

does that make sense to any of you?

great work talon d, for finding that forum…you have saved alot of people time, effort and money…



I don’t know anything about Mike other than what I found on google and read on here. But I do think that if there is good trading information available then it doesn’t matter if it comes from a noobie or not as long as it’s good information. I don’t know what it was he was going to post whether it would have been good or not, we may never know. An earlier post mentioned a power point presentation that was good and that’s from someone that I believe knows the difference between good info and cr@p info.
At any rate… I’ll stick to my Chris Lori videos for now.

peace on it

can you explain how you got the idea that he just started trading? In his post all he said was that he had just joined that forum…

That’s because he edited that post. Here is what he originally posted there…

Ive been here 5 minutes and Im totally in love with this forum, I’ve done many programs for self improvement and have come along way but yea…

My goals are:

Go from $1000 to $25,000 trading forex and quit my job to trade forex full time by Dec 31st 2010
I start trading on Oct 8th, Im dumping $1000 a week from my paycheck into my forex account until Dec 31st so that will help.

There is more posted there about his other goals but they aren’t relevant. If you want to see the whole thing then view the Google cache copy.

Granted, saying he is going to start on the 8th doesn’t mean he hasn’t had some other experience, though if he is starting out with $1,000 then he probably hasn’t been doing much trading, certainly not 40% per week gains. :smiley:

Perhaps he has experience in other areas which allows him to pick this up faster than other people though. As I mentioned, being new doesn’t mean his thoughts on the subject aren’t helpful, but he seems to have misleading.

I wondered if he might edit that after I posted a link so I copied it first.
my copy is on my home computer and I’m at work right now so I’ll post that later…

Perhaps he has experience in other areas which allows him to pick this up faster than other people though. As I mentioned, being new doesn’t mean his thoughts on the subject aren’t helpful, but he seems to have misleading.

that’s why I’m staying neutral and was willing to read more posts from him to see if he had good info to impart.
A lot of us are still noobs after all and yet some have good trading ideas or access to good trading information.

So… he doesn’t spend most of his time visiting foreign countries with his girlfriend, learning how to fly his cessna plane, snowboarding, surfing, training mixed martial arts, learning russian and trading via satellite internet while sailing his 60 foot yacht? :confused:

See my post on first page #4:D:D


His next subject. How to pick up chicks. Only later we find, he’s a virgin! :smiley:

Hehe, JK. Maybe we should guide this thread back on topic and hopefully Mike has a sense of humor. :wink:

This posts wins the thread.


how did you do that and where can i get the file.My whole family loves the joker

And thus the story ends in typical manner - the teller was a faker.

how did you do that and where can i get the file.My whole family loves the joker

Which Joker are you referring to? The enemy of Batman or the OP of this thread? :smiley:

JK. Just right click on the image and select “save image as” if you are on Windows. Not sure for Mac but it’s probably similar. If you are asking where he found the image, I don’t know, it’s hosted on Photobucket.