This Week's Question: Are You Currently on Your Desktop Computer or Mobile Phone?

Just a quick survey!

As you’re reading or replying to this post, are you currently on your computer or mobile phone?

  • Desktop Computer / Laptop
  • Mobile Phone

0 voters

As for me, I am currently on my computer as I write this! Would be interested too if you have any other info you’d like to share, aka if you check posts on your phone to pass the time or maybe check the forums before going to bed? Whatever you want to share will help us!


Laptop - I use my phone for calls and texts - sometimes as an alarm clock.

E-mails, videos, forums, and banking etc - all done on the machine with a proper keyboard and a size that shows up a picture with decent definition. In fact the main thing I dislike about BBPs is the dumbing down of the database so it is “Phone friendly” !


Use both, but don’t really like typing out longer replies on the mobile. Plus looking at chart images is just so much better on the big screens.

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Love my desktop but unfortunately most of my trades are placed on my phone. Just too busy out and about.

I’m on my laptop and typically use it to check forums aside from Reddit or for any type work. There are times I use my phone if we’re out with the kids, but I mainly like to sit at my desk at home for anything work related.

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I do forums to know how far greed and fear can take me, from strategy to strategy forgetting why we are here
The result
Make profit

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Laptop - Trade/Bank
Tablet - Social Media - Facebook/ Twitter/Youtube/Babypips
Phone - Call/Text
:south_africa: :south_africa: :south_africa: :south_africa:

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I am always amazed by the large percentage of respondents who contribute without actually answering the question asked. smh.


I trade on and of all day. If I’m somewhere without a computer i’ll use mobile. For serious trading, planning trades, critical times i’ll use my computer, unless I don’t have access to it. So i’m pretty much 50:50.

I’ve never logged into a forum using the mobile. Only do that with Laptop, It’s more comfortable. Mobile is for Calls/ texts and email.

I am always on both.

Viewing posts on this forum using my mobile device is very frustrating.

When trying to read through threads the posts skip and jump everywhere and I frequently lose my spot. Then when I eventually find the post I was reading it jumps again, and I never know whether to scroll up or down to find it.

I think it’s due to the ads randomly popping up in between posts constantly, spreading them apart. It’s almost as bad as my brokers’ spread at 5.

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I concur with @Falstaff

And I never take my phone out with me!

Seeing people using phones in the street reminds me of people who wear baseball caps back to front.


I’m on my laptop 24/7.

That sounds extremely frustrating. That would be 100x more if you’ve already typed something and it disappeared!

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