This Week's Question: Are You Proud to Be a Forex Trader? Why or Why Not?

We all know that forex trading can be a wild ride. With its ups and downs and the inherent solitude involved in trading, being a forex trader is not your typical 9 to 5 job.

Do the skills you’ve developed, the strategies you’ve mastered, or the goals you’ve hit make you proud? Or perhaps the challenges, stress, losses, and crazy hours make you question it sometimes?

When someone asks you what you do, do you tell them about your forex trading hobby or career? Or do you instead tell them about your day job or make up something else entirely?

There’s no right or wrong answer but we’re curious to know:

Are you proud to be a forex trader? Why or why not?


I’m super proud to be one of the traders in the world today.

Do the skills you’ve developed, the strategies you’ve mastered, or the goals you’ve hit make you proud?

Definitely. It’s taken me through a journey of which the lessons learnt could not only be applicable to its very nature but every thing else.

Or perhaps the challenges, stress, losses, and crazy hours make you question it sometimes?

To be frank, i wish there were non. But i also have to admit the fact nothing good doth comes easy.

When someone asks you what you do, do you tell them about your forex trading hobby or career?

I do get lot of them. First from the amateurs who knew nothing about fx and would want to know because of what they will get from it; and when being asked if i could teach them, i oblige by directing them to BP School of Pipsology, this alone is a test of determination — whatever test comes after.

Just can’t do with the ex-traders for the second part, first asking me how much have made — it makes me sick. Second trying to narrate their story of how forex had backstabbed them.

Apparently, everything has been an adventure and I chose to ride on regardless. It’s been a hell of a journey to be proud of.


Hi @Jess, I don’t know what can or can’t be proud of. Trading is just another activity to sustain my life. In the end, I’m just meat and bone with many egos covered inside.

Everyday I do what I have to do for trading. It’s still nothing change. Feeling bored, lonely, hopelessness, suffocate by market, anxiety by chart … it happens for years and years. Wiping tear while hugging my cat looked at my dying accounts. Dancing with my cat, to share my joy for profit that was gotten from market.

A trader can be proud when he/she is above the sky. Many will praise him/hers as guru. When he/she is hitting bad luck, the friends become foes, laughing even backstab without second thoughts.

There is a saying, homo homini lupus … nothing need to be proud of. No matter what, we breath the same air, live on the same earth. And we die, we can never take anything we have through this life.

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Why Not…???.. Making money from money is not what I would term a Noble Pursuit…

We are not providing a service or adding value to anyone’s life except to that of our own…

Confronting but true…

Hmmm. :thinking: I’m proud to be a forex trader, but I guess, not to the extent that I actively seek out opportunities to declare that I trade part-time. :sweat_smile: But I know that I’ll be even prouder when I can finally say that I’m consistently profitable, and that forex helps me maintain a comfortable lifestyle. :blush:

Hi @ria_rose, May you share why you are not considered consistently profitable? My you share your problem? How long have you been trading?

My intention to know the why is to learn what to avoid by learning from other mistakes. Thanks in advance :pray: :innocent:

It is very sad what you say :pensive: your “friends” doesn’t deserve you, I hope you will find luck in the future :slightly_smiling_face:

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I don’t know how to feel sincerly, I’ve spent so much time just losing money and learning nothing due to anxiety and desperation to solve my life soon, if I had perhaps invested more time in my personal life before coming to trade today I would be much better off, with less time in the market, I am starting to earn some money consistently now but I am far from making up for lost time, and being at the level of my friends who never traded and focused on their common careers

I know that one day it will pay off, but that day has not yet arrived, and I am approaching 30

I am ! :sunglasses: And I’m also the greatest I know!

Because I enjoy my current job, but I wanted to trade on the stock market, I had several attempts at manual trading. But I wasn’t able to combine the two. The day should have lasted 48 hours. :slight_smile: So I started to look into the subject of “Automated trading with EA”. That was 9 years ago. There were many failures and successes during this time, but I persevered. I am very proud of myself for sticking with it, learning more and not giving up. Because now I’m harvesting the fruits of my hard labour! Yes, I am proud of myself and proud to be a trader. :slight_smile:

I quite enjoy trading, but I don’t go around talking about it proudly. In my country, many people think trading is the same as gambling. There’s always some news about someone getting scammed through trading, and in many places, trading isn’t even legal. If you tell people you trade for a living, the person inner thought might be like, “This guy must be lying,” “Another victim of a scam,” “That’s illegal!” or even, “Is he trying to scam me by boasting about his trading profits?” It’s rare to meet like-minded folks who get it. So unless I know someone really well, I play it safe. I mean, what if they report me to the police? LOL


I’m not ashamed to be a forex trader. It’s a legitimate way to earn money. While I haven’t yet reached the point of trading full-time, I would be proud if I could achieve consistent profitability and make it my main career. For now, I’m focused on improving my skills.

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I mean it’s a bit extreme to be “proud” about it, but yeah it is cool and I do find it an interesting journey, though not one that I always enjoy.

The fact that you’re starting to make money consistently shows that your hard work is paying off. Everyone’s path is different, and it’s okay to take your time. Keep going, and remember to find balance between trading and your personal life.

As long as you’re trading responsibly and following the laws in your country, you should be good.

Right! good luck on your trading journey!

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It’s an end to a means. It’s a way to generate income and that’s it. I am proud of what I do and the work I put into it. I am not at all proud to be lumped in with the scammers on YouTube, ForexFactory, and even here.

what I wanted to say is that some of the years I spent destroying alot of 100$ accounts I could been studying to raise my salary AND THEN learning how to increase it in trading, But I was trying so hard to turnaround soon and make my life on trading that I only lost time, I wish I could saw this clearly before.
I wish I could say all my broken accounts were lessons but some of then were just anxiety…

Is it legal to trade in your country chimmyfx? I notice a lot of countries are banning fx, for there are too many scams happened around it, or many people lose their money on it, which is a pity. The fault ins’t in the reality of buying/selling currencies itself. And it’s still a way of income for many people.