This Week's Question: How Do You Manage Your Time as a Trader?

Whether you trade full-time or part-time, finding ways to effectively manage your time is a skill necessary to not only stay productive but also to keep your sanity intact.

What are some time management tips you follow? Do you use time management tools or methods? How do you stay organized and efficient?


Thanks for the question! As a beginner trader, I’m still learning to effectively manage my time while trading. However, a few tips that have worked for me include:

  • Setting clear goals and priorities for each trading session
  • Planning my trading activities in advance and creating a schedule
  • Taking regular breaks to rest and recharge
  • Using a trading journal to track my progress and identify areas for improvement

I also use time management tools like calendar apps and reminders to stay organized and efficient. Ultimately, I’m still learning and experimenting with different methods, but I’m always open to new suggestions and advice!


I trade off the H4 and only look at the charts exactly at each candle close for barely minute. What I do with the rest of the time is anything to keep me occupied for the next 4 hours


I’m a part-time trader, so I only trade when I’m free. Whenever I have a bit of spare time, I check out what’s happening in the market and make trades based on that. I don’t have a fixed schedule for trading because I’ve got other important stuff going on that I need to deal with too.


because it is not my first job i spend about 2 hours in a day for that
in that 2 hour i analyze sometime i check my old trades i swear to my broker for changing spreads all the time but i check my trades at work too
i do not go to instagram and twitter and places like that
on weekend i go and try to learn something new about strategies and other things
i also try to check forums to learn and ask my questions here
the other times are for fun and my family
so i think i can not tell you any suggestion because i can not control it myself too

My ultimate recommendation is: using social media as less as possible and meditating at least 5 minutes a day, 20 minutes if you ain’t got time for meditating 5min a day :wink:

I tried to be a full-time trader but I had problems so right now I’m on a break and maybe I can try being an Uber driver!
But for time-managing, I did not really have that problem. I used to be a student and I didn’t have problems there since I prioritize my time and I spend enough time on everything as important as it is.
it doesn’t matter that drawing something needs 2 hours, if it was not in my first priorities I would just spend the time that I was supposed to spend on that.
So I suggest you do not care and spend time on different items if they are not your priority!

I will suggest you to use time blocking skill, it involves scheduling specific blocks of time for different tasks, (even 20 minutes) and avoiding distractions during those blocks of time. (not checking your phone) This can help you to stay focused and make progress on important tasks.
I use it when I am watching market or analyzing. I just spend 30 minutes on that and I’ll give myself a 5 minute break.

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whats the problem with social media? theres much knowledge bout everything
@VasilTodorov @this_is_ando

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tell me what is not the problem with them
you go to explore instagram and you dont sleep night and tomorrow you cant work
you go to twitter and see traders say i make 90% a day
you go to forums and see people are selling eas all the time
i just online here 2 or 3 days to learn something and when you get my age you will know what is the problem with them

no i completely disagree youre judgin me and people like me we don spend that much time to explore and waste our time me ma self spend ma time on learnin new things and use ma time youre just too judgin

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i told you it is good to use it to learn new thing
i did not say it is always bad
if you use it to learn thats very good my friend
i told about my experience but i used you
i am sorry but really i am not judger
i just told about how i sued social media in past again i am sorry if you are sad

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OK NP. where R U from BTW?

one more time i am sorry if you think i judge you
i am from sofia in bulgaria
i cant see any one from bulgaria here
do you know where it is my friend and where areyou coming from?

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i told you NP and i know bulgaria but i don know where is sofia. sofia is a name round here cause im from NY USA

Managing time as a trader is crucial for productivity and sanity. Here are some tips: prioritize tasks, set goals, use time management tools, establish a routine, avoid distractions, and prioritize continuous learning. Find what works best best for you!

Yeah, you can find knowledge about pretty much anything on social media darling. But, it’s important to spend your time wisely and focus on the useful stuff rather than wasting it on irrelevant content. and watch out because there’s a bunch of content out there trying to manipulate everyone, so it’s best to be careful and choose wisely what you pay attention to.


i think now is the time for me to be quiet :roll_eyes:

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