This Week's Question: What is Your Fearless Forecast for Forex in the Next 20 Years?

Do you think forex trading will still be around in the 2040s? (Ooh that sounds so futuristic right there) Do you think we’ll all be trading on thin, glass screens then? Maybe using special contact lenses?

Or do you think we’ll all just be moving into cryptocurrencies? Or maybe you’re of the belief that there will only be ONE currency to rule the world? Or maybe everything will remain the same?

What do you see?


I think it will remain largely the same. Maybe more government regulations that hinder trading. We wont get a one world currency any time soon. The world seems to get more divided by the day.

Crypto is here to stay in my opinion. 90% of them are going to vanish but a few should remain. Might even start to see banks implementing their own crypto tied to fiat.


I don’t believe there’ll be much difference. May be we’ll have faster internet connections. But Traders won’t be as free as today, more and more government sanctions will come into play.

In the movie Back to the future in the early 80’s they predicted hover boards and flying cars by 2015 but even by 2021 the world is not that much different than the 80s we see in the movie. (Well the clothes/ fashion sense is obviously better :joy:)

So I guess things will mostly remain same, Unless a Major natural or man made disaster sets in and we’ll live in post apocalyptic word where we’ all will be forced to live in a world without internet and more closer to nature.


The science of the unseen is for God alone who knows what will happen in the future


Agreed. I think Defi is something to look into. Already thinking about how the finance landscape is changing with companies like Blockfi and Coinbase existing.

Trading-wise I think it’ll also be the same but maybe it’ll be a lot easier to make automated trades.

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The 2040s are only 20 years away. So what do we have now that we did not have 20 years ago, and apply Moore’s law to try to imagine the acceleration effect.

In 2000 we were just discovering what the world wide web meant for the masses. Internet speed was 256kbps, and now it is 256Mbps. Web 2 was dawning, now Web3 is dawning. Perhaps by 2040 we will have Web4 - whatever that will be.

Car insurance will be astronomical, and the vast majority of us will have no need to own a car. Most will be electric but some will be hydrogen powered, where the cost of hydrogen production for energy will be comparable to that of solar or wind energy because all the excess energy production will not be wasted by turning off the wind turbines when demand is low, but redirected into producing hydrogen from water.

If renewable energy is still insufficient for our total energy needs, somebody will have understood zero point energy and realized that extraction from zero point does not break the laws of thermodynamics. It just converts matter directly into energy and the solution will not be complex like fusion power. It will be simple and electromagnetic.

In 2029 we will have reached the event horizon with respect to computing and after that nobody can predict today how far and how fast that will allow us to move forward. Almost all causes of premature death will be curable, and the next generation may have to choose how long they wish to live.

There will be a basic human right to receive sufficient money (or currency) to live in a warm, dry and safe home, to get basic medical help when needed and to pursue whatever dreams each individual has, be that study, charitable work or a career.

I am so happy to have been born in the 1950s and believe the best is yet to come. Eutopia, not dystopia.


I don’t think there will be a huge change when it comes to investing and definitely bitcoin is here to stay.

bOY WERE WE OPTIMISTIC IN THOSE DAYS ! Now t’interweb seems to be resrictive and controlling - to the state where many are highly dubious.

what are you going to do instead ?

As to carrying your own windmill in the boot and a pile of solar panels on the roof - Well I can only smile

I’m currently “mending” Laptops and there is little that the “new ones” can do which 2012 versions cannot do as well or better !

iS THAT DESIREABLE ? Genetic defects being propagated ?

I never thought you’d be a UBI zealot - however as I always say - “Yes please” ! - Gimme dat - An I can go fishin for the rest of my life ! - “YES PEASE !”

Look up Telomeres ! :wink:

Mine own answer is that it is just possible the Western World will still be functional - but whether the likes of US will be able to engage in the Great gambles of Forex and Stocks - I think is doubtful - because we simply do “Need protecting” from our own lack of knowledge !

I would not be surprised if there was some “qualification” which we had to spend $100.k or so to “Achieve” before we were allowed to have a punt ! :wink:

Great Question !

Now t’interweb seems to be resrictive and controlling - to the state where many are highly dubious.

I started using Brave browser six months ago. Then I went to DuckDuckGo as a search engine, and to a private e-mail account just for crypto trading. I am yet to determine how best to set up and subscribe to a VPN service to mask my source. I am sick and tired of having to click “accept” to the internet giant’s lies of “we wish to protect you”, more like “where’s our click thru revenue stream disappeared to?” I am seriously thinking about seeing what the dark web looks like, but not until I have taken precautions. Gosh, all you have to do today is to have an interest in chemistry, and they think you want to make explosives. FFS. You are right - no democracy on the web, that’s for sure.

what are you going to do instead ?

Order the driverless Ubertaxi that will arrive within 3 minutes. £1 to Manchester shared, £5 dedicated. Cheaper than the train and quicker too - because there will be no driver cars on the road. :rofl:

there is little that the “new ones” can do which 2012 versions cannot do as well or better
And so I thought until last month when I decided to spend a bit of money on self-education. I rebuilt 3 eBay “faulty computers” and bought some bits to build a modern tower. The HP Pavilion with a £30 SSD of 10 years age makes my Microsoft SurfacePro look like an old aged pensioner. And the NVMe drive at 32Gbps looks like an SSD on speed.

I am in the middle of a Crypto mining trial and needed to bring myself up to speed with technology for the past 20 years. it’s been a bit of an eye opener. I’ve bought 30TB of disk space for CHIA mining, and counting…

Genetic defects being propagated ? Look up Telomeres

I’m just reading a conspiracy theory style book (publication?) about the fifth element - getting in tune with Gaia by absorbing the frequencies. We are all just holographic projections from the edge of the universe. Not finished yet, but I got the telomeres bug a couple of years ago, and realized I needed new shoe laces. :relaxed:

I never thought you’d be a UBI zealot - Why not? Last I heard the government employs about half a million people just to check they don’t give any citizen too much “free money”. Well, if they gave everyone £10k per year, but then taxed ALL earned income at 20% instead of all earned income above £10K per year, you could put another half a million people on UBI, without a single penny more spent on “benefits”.

It might encourage Starbucks and Amazon to pay a decent wage. Imagine having to pay someone twice their monthly rent just for turning up to do a job? The world has already gone mad. As a student labourer in the 1970s I earned today’s equivalent of £800 a week for about 55 hours work. I don’t know any student who can do that today. May as well pay EVERYONE a basic human right wage, and let them do what they want to do. Maybe the outcome of Covid 19 will force that anyway.


We wont have to wait until 20 years from now for my prediction to come true. I predict that we will very soon see the gatekeepers put measures in place to prevent and restrict the average Joe from making a lot of money out of Forex trading as we are currently seeing.

Easy - it will still exist for sure. :+1:

Ooh now I’m curious! Is this the only browser you’ve been using so far?

Hi, if left to my own device, yes. However, when I consult to companies, I am forced to use their choice of browser if they provide me with a laptop. In the vast majority of cases that would be Microsoft Internet Explorer or more recently Edge if they have done the Win10 upgrade. About 50% of them allow employees to use either Google Chrome or others (like Mozilla firefox) and of course with the mobiles phones Safari.

The reason I went to Brave browser is deeply historical. Probably before you were born, in the last century, I used to use Netscape, who were crushed when Bill Gates embedded IE into the Windows operating system. Well, Brave has been developed by the originator of Netscape. Here is a copy / paste from my Brave browser home page.

  • 243,253 Trackers & ads blocked

  • 5.11GB Bandwidth saved

  • 3.4hours Time saved

I sometimes need to change settings to allow cross-site trackers or what they call “creepy things”, mostly required by internet banks or other services where they say they “value your security”. LOL.

Try it - it is free, and you can earn some Crypto using it. You won’t get rich by doing that but it is a good gesture.

Yes I used to use it back when I discovered BAT! However, like you, because of work, I do end up using either Safari or Chrome and then end up forgetting it even exists. I need to start using it again, I remember realizing how much faster browsing was!

Perhaps with the discovery of extraterrestrial beings, we will see a number of galactic currency pairs that look very attractive :thinking: :thinking:

Haha, my August BAT is more than a dollar. I must be browsing too much. :rofl: