This Week's Question: What's a Nice Thing You've Done for Someone Recently?

Lots of things going on right now. A lot of doom scrolling has for sure been happening so we’re going to switch it up a bit this week and ask something not related to trading - something lighter that we can all contribute to and that will bring a tiiiny bit of sunshine to our internet experience.

What’s one nice thing you’ve done for someone, anyone lately?

For me, it’s baking for a friend who’s been very sad (loss of a job, health issues etc.). Nothing beats home baked goods that were created specifically for you!

What about you? Have you helped someone recently? Maybe taught someone a new skill, gave something memorable or life-changing, or maybe just helped someone finish a task?


The other day our kitchen was an absolute pigsty, there was also a mountain of washing and the missus has 2 babies playing her up all day and I had a day off work so had been at the local snooker club most of the day.
After eating the tea my missus cooked for me when I got in, I pointed out the mess…she was a bit downheartened and I could see that…therefore I made her a nice cup of tea and said baby don’t worry about it…go and have a bath…

I think she appreciated the downtime before she had to crack on with the cleaning up…


I have a friend that just left an abusive relationship and she’s pregnant so I’ve been focusing a lot on helping her. We sold her a vehicle and didn’t make her pay the full cost, purchased some baby items, took her out to eat, and are generally just trying to do everything to help her right now. Hoping to do a lot more over this year to help others in general.


Omg lol this story :joy:

That is so terrible! But also glad to hear she’s now out of it. Good on you for helping her out. You’ve done a lot!!!

As for my answer, it’s donating to a lot of our local GoFundMe pages. Lots of people are raising money these days for medical bills, starting a business, one’s house got burned down etc.


Hi Ananais,

I agreed to a request from my little sis in Oz to have a chat with a lifelong friend of hers who had invested in UK property but come unstuck, and wanted someone he could “trust” to coach him in how to put together a property deal. Our first conversation was meant to be about 15 minutes, but ended up in a two hour call around midnight UK time.

I agreed to help him get his plan started and analyze some of the deals he was contemplating from outright refurbed purchases, to purchases requiring refurb, to purchase options, lease options, back to back lease options and even some more exotic cases. I’ve done quite a few over the past 20 years.

In conversation it turns out he is a Chinese medicine practitioner, and so we agreed to “barter” our specialisations. After 4 more days, he is sending some medicine by courier from 12,000 miles away for my wife’s medical problems. It is now four weeks since she was in Accident and Emergency with a diagnosed heart attack and no formal response from the National Health Service except “take these tablets to control your angina”. I have given up on our NHS - they are heavily overloaded and when we arrived back in the UK 22 years ago, my wife’s “preconditions” made private health cover prohibitive. Whilst we "know how American citizens must feel if they are not “employed”, it is comforting to know that doing a nice thing to help my sister’s friend was immediately rewarded by reciprocation.

I liken this experience to the expression “I love hard work. The harder I work, the luckier I get” :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh @jessoprules. Always lovely reading your responses to these things!

Wow that’s amazing. We don’t know each other but please know there’s a stranger out here who’s very proud of you! I hope she’s doing much better these days!

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Oh I love expertise trades like this!!!

Oh wow. This is so nice of both of ya’ll! I’m very curious re: what he sent! And also, I hope your wife is okay now. I hope there were no lingering side effects of the incident etc.

Also that kindness begets kindness. :slight_smile:

Have you got her number? (asking for a friend)

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