This Week's Question: What's One Trading Habit You Have That You Still Do To This Day?

Is there something you do first before starting your trading day? Maybe you like to triple check your orders in a certain way? Write a journal entry each time a trade is closed perhaps?

This week’s question:

What’s one trading habit you have that you still do today?

Could be something that you just started doing also!


I have a journal that I have been writing on which I write when I make a trade. After reading from this school. I have a long ways to go and a lot of additional information that would assist me in my trading. After doing things the wrong way for so many years. I am excited to trade with all kinds of tools that removes so much risk and way lower stress. It is a whole different deal now. Also I have been trading all by myself with no constructive criticism by colleagues. I am refreshed with all the tools and services that this website provides.


Journal. Keeps me honest. Can creates some structure for my trading. It’s not perfect. But it’s something.


In my early days, I took this advice from a pro trader on YouTube. He said be in the right frame of mind before taking any action.

He said your first achievement is to make your bed each morning. I have followed that advice every day since.


Checking my strategy in times of doubt. There are many times I see a set up, and I just jump right in.

Then, after the loss I wonder what happened. I check my strategy, and I see that I did the opposite, or I should have waited.

I started posting notes on my wall, but I realized that my notes repeated what was already in my strategy. What’s the point?

So, I try to not assume I have the answer right away. In times of doubt, I’m trying to check my strategy first.


Ensure I am up and present before engaging in any trading. Sounds simple but the last thing I want to be doing is arriving at the charts as a setup presents itself. Prefer to see it coming miles off and plan methodically


When I started my trading journey, I used to write a journal on a daily basis about my trading experience and still continuing with the same habit.


Up early and ensure my work/trading space is clean tidy and quiet .
That my frame of mind is clear no arguments before only after lol


I always start with coffee and check certain apps on my phone for news. Something about starting the day with the same routine helps me to wake up and switch into being productive.


I always mediate more on the currency to be traded and scribble on my journal base on the news at hand and the next expected news…I must document my experience everyday…as in what necessitated my entry and the candle that prompted my entry.It has strongly helped my trading life.


I sit down at week-ends with a calculator. pencil and paper and leisurely figure out my money management and how far i’m going to let trades go in each direction, figuring out worst case scenarios and making sure I have contingencies in place. This gives me an organic feel for where my trades are in the market that I’m trading, which is absolutely essential for the week ahead when I won’t have so much time to think about what I’m doing, while fiendishly making trades during my coffee break at work!


Good day, As for me, am mostly raw, meaning I trade based on Price Action of the market, using combination of Fundamental and Technicals. I really can say it is the best, no letting to be thrown out by News. For most of my Entry Trendline, Horizontal Support and Resistance, Reversal Candlesticks at key turning point, continuous candlestick and some chart pattern play a big role for me. And also this course TRENDLIINE BREAKOUT STRATEGY… has some good touch that helps me sometimes…


Filling up my trading journal!
When I started out as a complete newbie, I was excited to see how far I’ll go in the market. I got the idea of trading journals through a webinar on forex. Since then I have filled in my trading journal everyday for years. I already practised normal diary journaling as a kid, so doing this was very satisfying and exciting as well.
Trading journals have helped me to review my mistakes and analyse my strategies in different market conditions. It’s really helpful, but many traders sadly ignore it.

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I do this too! Mom’s advice.

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This is for active trades? What time frame are you trading normally?

It seems I’m super late to this cause this didn’t appear on my page. :open_mouth: I wonder why. :thinking: But anyway, one trading habit that I’ve started is just making sure I’m in a peaceful environment with classical or acoustic music playing in the background. :sweat_smile: It just makes trading a lot less stressful. :blush: