This Week's Question: When Did You Realize Forex Trading Was Going to Be Your New Hobby?

Many traders begin their journey out of curiosity, exploring the world of forex to see what it’s all about ​​but when did you feel that shift from simple interest to truly enjoying trading as a hobby? Was it a successful trade that boosted your confidence, the thrill of learning new strategies, or the enjoyment of analyzing charts?

We want to hear from you!

What moment made you realize that forex trading was going to be your new hobby?


It was the time when my profit was bigger than my regular income. It was also the first time I had balance in my life, freedom and security.


I’m just learning about forex trading and have not started trading yet. But my curiosity about wanting to trade was just stirred up in August this year

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To be honest, I started trying to trade options. After reading options for dummies and being bored to tears, I read a quick start on forex. I immediately found forex much simpler and more straight forward. That was maybe a month or two ago. Now I’m completely hooked. I’ve even quit my previous hobby.

For me, it wasn’t a single “aha” moment, but more of a gradual realization that forex trading was not only something I enjoyed but something I wanted to dive deeper into. It all started with curiosity—like many people, I was fascinated by the idea of profiting from market movements. But the moment that made me realize forex trading was going to be more than just a passing interest was when I experienced my first successful trade after a series of early losses. As someone who thrives on data and patterns, I realized that trading wasn’t just about luck. After making some early mistakes and learning the hard way, I decided to stop treating trading as a gamble and began focusing on understanding patterns and applying a more structured, data-driven approach. That’s when things really clicked.

I fell in love with options trading since I started trading. The idea of being financially stable and growing up the curve seemed fantastic at that moment. It showed me some ups and downs but that’s really life. I spent hours researching, learning the alphas and betas, and backtesting strategies n just couldn’t get enough of it. Still eager to see where it takes me…

Tbh it was when I was in Uni i made my profit off a trade i took currency pairs USDCAD .i use the profit to settle my bills and the most funny part is that i screenshot the trade and i made a picture of it , then hang it on my wall lol as if,like i was awarded best trader

I actually developed interest in forex trading after my graduation from the university last year and as a graduate I couldn’t lay my hands on any profitable business, can’t feed well, not measuring up to responsibilities. I actually thought it’s sth way bigger than me until I met my course mate making money from forex, and I had no option than to queue in

It all started as a simple conversation with a acquaintance, just street talk. I later went home and researched some more. Honestly speaking, I’ve been learning and developing since then. Trading is really amazing. Although I’m still a newbie, wobbling and finding my steps.

In 2019 I borrowed a book about stock investing from the library. I thought it was interesting. Very fast I realized that I did not have enough money to invest. So I had the idea to get a demo account and just gamble in the beginning (not real money) and getting more serious after a while. Being that I was a football fan (maybe not so much now) I saw Atalanta and Atletico Madrid had plus500 as a sponsor. I registered there and started scalping (without a plan). By 2020 I had gotten rid of them and changed to another broker. Also stocks and indices were buried, and I had the feeling forex was my most desired asset to trade.

Anyway. Some time during fall of 2019 I realised I was hooked and wanted to learn as much as possible. Also I understood this would follow me 24/5 for quite much as long as I live. For what it is worth. From March 2023 until about a month ago I felt burnt out even though I kept trading. Now I am back to normal though.