Your “ultimate” trading goal could be a mini-goal: something you want to achieve in the next month or quarter, or it could be the goal which you’re planning on achieving within the next year or three.
Maybe it’s a certain profit %, maybe it’s consistency, or maybe it’s building a reliable trading system - whatever it is, once you’ve achieved it, have you thought about what your reward will be? How will you celebrate? Or will the achievement be the reward itself?
Life is a bit more fun if there are rewards to be reaped here in there, no? Let me know what you think!
My ultimate goal is to pay off my mortgage and investment properties. Once I’ve done this, I’ll stop trading. I use trading as a stepping stone to financial freedom. Once I’m free I’ll close my account and delete any trading platform I have on my laptop/phone and enjoy my free time.
Have you thought of what you’ll be doing with your free time? Would it be a life filled with vacations? Or is it pursuing hobbies you’ve not had time for?
I also love that you have a goal to stop trading!
Trading for life I see! Now that’s true love for trading!