This Week's Question: When You've Reached Your Ultimate Trading Goal, How are You Celebrating?

Your “ultimate” trading goal could be a mini-goal: something you want to achieve in the next month or quarter, or it could be the goal which you’re planning on achieving within the next year or three.

Maybe it’s a certain profit %, maybe it’s consistency, or maybe it’s building a reliable trading system - whatever it is, once you’ve achieved it, have you thought about what your reward will be? How will you celebrate? Or will the achievement be the reward itself?

Life is a bit more fun if there are rewards to be reaped here in there, no? Let me know what you think!

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My ultimate goal is at least $100k a month in passive investments from real estate. But I will always keep trading.

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My ultimate goal is to pay off my mortgage and investment properties. Once I’ve done this, I’ll stop trading. I use trading as a stepping stone to financial freedom. Once I’m free I’ll close my account and delete any trading platform I have on my laptop/phone and enjoy my free time.


Have you thought of what you’ll be doing with your free time? Would it be a life filled with vacations? Or is it pursuing hobbies you’ve not had time for?

I also love that you have a goal to stop trading!

Trading for life I see! Now that’s true love for trading!