Thoughts on Amy Sangster of

Added question: how many student do you know who attended the class or course and how many of those are successful? I am curious to know the success rate of IP.

Itā€™s all bearded truckers with hot female avatars that want to settle down with a career in FX.[/QUOTE]

Well even truckers can tell who can offer them the best trading advice apparentlyā€¦

[QUOTE=ā€œEthancol;504146ā€]Absolutely, you know what? It doesnā€™t cost to email them via the enquiries address on the website.

Go and ask them yourself![/QUOTE]

Why donā€™t you just post it on here Amy?

:23: sorry Pip.

Lol it is so true Konanā€¦ So true , I am right with you on that ā€¦ohh I canā€™t say anymore it is just the truth!

PS: I am actually looking for Fabio. Is he around?

I donā€™t have those statistics to mind because sadly, Iā€™m just a member of IP, however I believe theres a couple thousand members as it stands, the success rate? Not sure either mate! I know iā€™m regurgitating a bit here but drop them a PM/email or whatever and Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll let you know.

Iā€™m quite curious to that now you mention it!

op, Pizza Columbo in tha house.


I donā€™t have those statistics to mind because sadly, Iā€™m just a member of IP, however I believe theres a couple thousand members as it stands, the success rate? Not sure either mate! I know iā€™m regurgitating a bit here but drop them a PM/email or whatever and Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll let you know.

Iā€™m quite curious to that now you mention it![/QUOTE]

Lol a couple thousand people parted with a couple hundred bucks eachā€¦ Not to mention the money theyā€™ll lose trying to trade with a ā€œwinnersā€ mentalityā€¦ facepalm

Well someoneā€™s gotta take the opposite end of my trades for me to make money.

Iā€™m here, Pip. :7:

Yep, I will asked them for it or do your own researched. They should provide you that since you paid for the course. One of the questions I will asked before I even think about joining. Marketing strategy should also include those successful traders who they taught and hopefully they are still active in that company. Not just fancy exotic carsā€¦

Lol you are sooo funnyā€¦ Awe trying so hard and soo cute! :7:

You hear that, Pizza boy?!
Thx, Pip, I like you too!! I like Pizza also, even tho he treats me like **** and says mean things to me and doesnā€™t wanna accept my friend requests. Iā€™m like a battered spouse basically here.

Keep in mind that I am just a bearded truckers :wink:

:confused: Then our friendship is so over!!

Justkidding, I like you still! Do you put conditioner on your beard?

Of courseā€¦ gatta maintain it so when it is long enough I can cut it and donate it to charity or they make a wig out of it. I think you already using one of those wigā€¦ Lol

Crap, now I get the website name I bought it at ā€¦it was

Hehehehe, yep thatā€™s right! Keep thinking that buddy.

Edit: Iā€™m sure thereā€™s nice people here sure, but itā€™s all doom & gloom, hardly an enlightened bunch of pseudo pro traders really, Iā€™ll leave you to go buy that Aventador with all that cash youā€™re making off me trading wrong :wink:

Because successful traders go on forums to whine right? Bye bye!


Hehehehe, yep thatā€™s right! Keep thinking that buddy, Iā€™m sure youā€™re a very wealthy man (and well fed judging by the name)[/QUOTE]

Mmmm hmmmā€¦

Lolā€¦ Oh Amy you amuse me.

Interesting how this personā€™s post is different from who was posting yesterdayā€¦ I wonder if it is the same person or notā€¦

Also, why they make a testimony when they were asked questions they become defensive/offensive? It is clearly shows that they are making testimonies that it is not true or they donā€™t know what they are talking about. Itā€™s exhausting entertaining this people lolā€¦

Seriously, they need to come up a different marketing strategies because this is getting oldā€¦ Maybe hire a Cirque Du Soleil to make it more entertaining and fun!

I thought also it was not the same person as before. Weirdā€¦