Thoughts on Amy Sangster of

I don’t know where most of it comes from - I bet their book brought in a cool $100k, and I bet that Mr. Hemler’s developer career has earned allot of money. I bet trading however.

Although this information is a little old, Amy makes money almost exclusively from swing trading, not day trading - usually 12 hours to a few days on each trade. Part of her pitch too is to stay away from day trading as a newbie.

Trading for me does not take anywhere near my time compared to a full time job, although it is important to spend lots of time and stay focused.

Well looks like everything caught her attention. Here is her response

The REAL Truth About Amy Sangster & Robert Himler | Amy Sangster

Myfxbook would go a long way in this situation, or any form of independent verification… Again she says the main reason for her offering the training is to help people… Again philanthropy is free… Not charged. The main reason she is selling it, is to make money… The price point was chosen to maximize profit… Not make it affordable so all the dull traders of the world can be saved.

She’s a business woman… Business women sell products. I will gladly admit I am wrong when I see George Sorros or Warren buffet making YouTube videos advertising a training program for their trading and investing methods… Lol think about it… Now think through why you find that idea ridiculous… Uh uh… Uh huh… Be honest with yourself.

I’m just beating a dead horse at this point. Last post on this thread :slight_smile:

Said it before, will say it again:

myfxbook or it didn’t happen.

I don’t understand the last part…

You meant you want her to publish her trading buy/sell on MyFxBook for public to see?

Sometimes, giving knowledge to others is it’s own reward. I feel good when I can teach someone something I know how to do well. I tutor forex for free.

Anyone can say anything they want, much fewer actually can actually prove it.

I have felt from the start of my short time in Forex that there is a truly amazing lack of transparency in Forex when it comes to people who call themselves gurus and mentors.

In this day and age it really should be the norm.

Honestly, anyone that is successful at trading could care less about “proving it,” they are doing what they are good at, they are making large money, and they leave the disbelievers in the dust.

Then why bother teaching?

And why should anyone believe or disbelieve just on some random person on the internet saying they are long term profitable?

I assume you would not invest in anything else without proven history or track record, why should forex be so special.

I think you need to scroll up a bit and read my previous reply to this thread. I’ll paraphrase in case you don’t want to bother. Teaching someone something of value is it’s own reward. Now, I’ll add to it. By teaching a skill, you improve that skill in yourself.

No I read your previous reply, it’s just not relevant.

In my opinion blind faith in a sea of scammers should not be a pre-requisite.

It’s quite a simple concept of accountability and very simple to achieve.

I’m about to tell you to go to hell because I am having what anyone would consider a bad day (personally, not professionally) I earned $670 this week on a 5k (sorry, now a $5800) trading account. I pull money regularly from my trading account to my bank account, and I am at the point where I am making 3/4 of my day job salary in the fx market. No one is telling you to believe in bull$hit, but if you make your chops and work at it, learn what you can from every source out there and discard the crap, you can do it. They say it takes about 10,000 hours to become an expert, I’ve put in about 4-5,000 hours into this. I have a long way to go, but the rewards are already manifesting. If you are going to continue arguing, rather than learning, that’s your problem. Good day.

Sorry your having a bad day, I’m not trying to argue, just putting across a perspective.

Have you read the study about 10,000 hours? It took me almost 10,000 hours to read it but it was very interesting stuff.

I’m pleased to hear that you are doing well, congratulations, and it’s great that you offer to teach people and I can see the value for both parties.

You appear to be an honest and open guy which is great.

Not everyone is though and for anyone wanting to learn should from someone who is actually as successful as they make out which can only be assessed properly once transparency has become the norm.

By not promoting this it merely gives the scammers a much easier time and will result in lots more people wasting money and (more importantly imo) time.

But this is just my opinion which is apparently different to yours. If we all thought the same the world be a very boring place.

The thing is, the individual trader is the one who pulls the trigger, it is their personal responsibility to determine the risks and the rewards. If they are naive at first and take a few losses on blind faith I feel bad for them, but if they continue to do so without questioning their information and research, then I feel less bad for them. This is not a game for everyone, trading is a full contact sport, make no mistake. Even on my blog, I offer a warning/disclaimer about the ideas I present. Cheers, and thanks for your insights.

It is in questioning that they ask for a myfxbook. I see nothing wrong with it. It only makes the learning process easier. If you see verified super fantastic results from your teacher, the learning process straps on rocket and fires it. If you are serious about wanting to mentor people on here, you can start a thread and start sharing. This is a free teaching and learning forum, every piece of info shared is appreciated

I prefer to throw my ideas on this forum as they come, I will be sharing the link to my fx blog once I reach the required amount of posts to post it in that thread, then perhaps I will start a thread and mirror what I do on my blog, but my time is quite precious. I work almost 50 hours a week in my day job, and the rest is for trading and a social life. Ultimately, sharing knowledge is rewarding, but I have to put it last at the moment. Perhaps once I no longer require a day job, I can put more time into mentoring.

Pardon me…

but if you read any money making gurus…they will tell one thing…which… They encourage Passive Income…

Thats why I believe maybe this Amy sell her ebook and her trading strategy as part of passive income. many millionaires out there usually create their passive income? Thats what Robert Kiyosaki said about quitting the rat race with passive income.

What if one day shes feeling sick and admitted to hospital for one month… she cant trade for a month but she continue to generate money from her forex and ebook…

thats what I think or I guess… :slight_smile:

just my 2 cents of thinking

Or we can live on the fortunes we made prior to becoming ill… one month or a few in the well to do doesn’t or atleast shouldn’t break you. Passive or not… just my thoughts.


Wow, Gordon’s alive, but we only have 14 hours to save the earth! :smiley:

So great to see you back in action.

lol - this idiotic website…

Just scroll down to the remarks section, I posted their a good six months back…they clearly didn’t like what I had to say.

I do enjoy a good argument though, of course just for fun :wink: