Thoughts on Amy Sangster of

There are a lot of Amy’s in Australia, they only look good from a distance and become very sad as they age. At least the hair colour will be similar.

Many are ‘created’ on the Gold Coast. Gold Coast, Queensland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She obviously fits right into the Florida scene.

I actually wasted 5 minutes of my life watching one of her trading videos. Would have preferred the no chart version.

Ripoff Report | Robert Himler | Complaint Review: 920083

Who is this kid, Robert Himler showing off in his Lamborghini ?

Robert Himler and Amy Sangster

one month is just an example… what i tryin to say is the concept if the people cant work, be it 1 month ,3 month 12 month… or forever… but he/she still have passive income…

this is just an ideal statement… not into any sides.

I don’t know if she’s for real or not. But, when I was 18 and the stock market was soaring based on the tech bubble, I taught myself to day trade, before it was even possible to trade on computers. I literally had to call in a stock order and it would be placed whenever the broker “manually” got around to it.

Within a year came along. There were days when I made $20,000.00, days when I would make $7,000.00. Sure, it was possible. I could have purchased a Ferrari or Porsche. But, one’s life really doesn’t change much when you are financially secure. I still live off some of the money I made back then.

It’s absolutely possible to make money, LOTS, of money in any sort of EQUITY MARKET, but, you must have very thick skin. Just because I made $20,000.00 on some days, doesn’t mean I didn’t loose money on other days. It was very hard to handle trading $30,000,000.00 ($30 million) worth of stocks per year at such a young age.

The pressure of loosing your shirt is intense. Take it from me: It is possible to make large amounts of money. But it is very, very rare. Amy is making the vast majority of her money from teaching others how to trade. There’s no way she’d be working 3 hours per week, if she was honestly making money trading equities.

I sat in front of the computer screen with CNBC on each day, from the moment the stock bell rang at 9 a.m. to the moment it closed at 5 p.m. (excuse me if I have the times wrong) When 24-hour Internet Trading became available, I would have to monitor my positions all day long.

I didn’t have time to go play or make movies on Nor would Amy or any of her partners, if they were true traders. I believe they know the skills required to trade and may certainly be able to convey their knowledge to others. But, that access comes with a hefty price.

One can buy a Lambo for far less than you think. They may have been used vehicles and it doesn’t take many subscribers to earn $180k (the price of a lambo) when you’re charging $599.00 AU for financial lessons.

It’s not a scam. But, you must know what you’re doing. You must have a knack for business and why markets move. As far as the psychology of an equity market, this is the exact reason you must have CNBC on. If you don’t, and there is some sort of issue with the economy, how will you know? How will you gain on the news, and the news is what dictates the psychology of the market. If you don’t understand what I’ve written here, you’re not going to succeed. What I just said is as close to factual as possible. Yes, it’s an opinion. But, it’s coming from years of experience.

At the end of the day, I think Amy is a spokesperson for the company. Read the disclaimers. They’re liable for nothing at all. The advice they give you, is not to be construed as financial advice. So what the hell should it be construed as? Cooking lessons?

Use your judgement. The video is enticing, but as the saying goes, “if it looks to good to be true it probably is.”

There ya go…my $0.02 on Amy and her “car.”

P.S. what about her house? What about her watches? Her jewelry? Her net worth? Some of the films that are made must be made using equipment that costs $20k. That doesn’t include editing. So, they’re spending $30k to $50k on some of these commercials. It doesn’t add up, the more I write about it, the more it just doesn’t make sense. I’d steer clear.

I agree with you clearglass. Plus, the one video on YouTube where she claims she made $10,000 in twenty minutes, She is using technicals(trend lines) to justify her trade. When in reality it was a fundamental play off of a policy decision of the SNB.

It was pretty obvious that, although knowing the basic concepts of forex, she in no way has the skills necessary to make a Lamborghini level income off of it. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

Also there is no way she would date a plain, balding, and boring guy like Robert Himler if she was independently wealthy. Not a chance. Doing research on the two, Roberts dad owns some exotic car dealerships and is loaded. It would be a safe guess that Roberts dad is loaning the cars to his son, who is in turn using them to help advertise his and his girlfriends endeavors.

Amy claims in her YouTube video she’s trading a $100,000 account. Where does a 22 year old girl get that kind of money when she says she has not had any help from anyone? Nope to many logical discrepancies.

what are you trying to imply here?

It’s funny how only people who never took the course are calling it a scam and people who know nothing about Amy are calling her a liar. You can ask any IP member on their experience and you will not hear anyone complain. I knew nothing about forex 4 months ago and now I am up 10% on my $50k demo account, being consistent and learning more and more every day. She had her money way before launching that website or meeting Robert, she genuinely just want to help people (it’s sad that people see something wrong with that). And what’s wrong with putting a price on her time? They respond to questions within 24hrs, they would be crazy doing this for free. And Robert Himler has nothing to do with her forex business, she is running it with her business partner Lewis Mocker who is also the one who introduced her to forex.

Let me just leave from here with something for you all to think about:

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
Eleanor Roosevelt

So how much money did you give her to make 10% on your play account?

I like it when people pay to make money on their demo account :wink:

Hi Amy, welcome to the board.

I went for the gold package so $600

That’s a weird hobby but whatever makes you happy :wink:

Don’t flatter yourself, she would never lower herself to argue with people like you.

No, just low enough to charge people so that they can make fictitious profits :wink:
What ever works for you buddy…but in all fairness she has done herself absolutely no favors by the promotional material on her website as it’s the biggest, and most obvious sales pitch I have ever seen.

And one more thing…

This thread has been dead since 16th October 2011…so you Vinc had to search for this thread in the archive.

You have only posted twice, both of which are suggesting this “paid for service” does indeed work…

Fishy, to say the very least :wink:

Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I didn’t search for it. This thread was recently mentioned on another forum and I wanted to stand up for her a little. IP has over 1000 members now, and if you check out their facebook page, you can see people are more than happy with the service. Yes I am making fictitious profits, but once I get my mindset right and learn to read the market, the money will come. They make it very clear in the lessons that this is not a get rich quick scheme and that I need to learn how to lose money first in order to make some, and push emotions aside. I paid for education and I don’t regret that investment.

So give a couple examples of things she has taught you that you couldn’t find in babypips school of pipsology for free or by searching with google?

Besides cute little motivational quotes to “get you thinking like a winner”… Errr wait no, those can be found for free on google as well.

1000 members… shakes head … Humanity never ceases to dissapoint me.

I never said you can’t find any of that info for free on google or anywhere else and they don’t claim that either. You probably can, but finding the right info between all the garbage that’s out there can be a challenge. I had no interest in forex and if it wasn’t for IP I would’ve probably never start with it in the first place. I think if paying for education was humanity’s only problem, we’d be good. I really don’t see what’s so dramatic about this.

ok… So long as everyone reading this is aware that they are paying someone 600 bucks for material that can be found for free… Literally free…

75% of the material resembles the same material you can find in baby pips school (free) and the rest is just some “mind coach” mumbo jumbo that you’d find in a typical self-help motivational book…

Self reliance and determination are huge traits for success in this business… And paying someone to spoon feed you information you can EASILY find for free is an indication of those traits being severely lacking.

Can’t argue with that. IP is the only forex related matterial I ever went through so I have nothing to compare it to.

Who’s arguing?

True… However, there are people who are either busy or lazy to dig out on those information that they need. It is probably the “convenient” that they pay for those kind of materials…wouldn’t you want to pay $500 for the “convenient” fee if it can save you time?

Most businesses are in service industry anyway…

Yes I am sure most of the people that paid her $600 dollars did so because they wanted “convenience”. She’s made more off lazy people then she has off of trading I would imagine.