Thoughts on Amy Sangster of

I figure i’d be about eye level to the dwarf from Game of Thrones if he was sitting on your boy friend’s shoulders…

Hi Amy,

Yes, our Mr. Grey here is very very serious… He loves to practice his dating skills whenever he can…:slight_smile:

Anyway, I was thinking maybe I should join your team. I can help you with your Marketing and Advertising. You seems to know a lot of people and that will help me to gain some “exposure” too. I could learn from your “special technique” as well and I could probably get into that “express lane” that you did in which it will be awesome for me!.. . There is nothing wrong to get a little push and “help” from someone and I think that is a very intelligent choice… Forget about learning how to trade because it is all a [B]WASTE [/B]of time. I think selling the product/services with fancy cars and looking hot and sexy in photo shoots is the best way to go and to make lots of money. What a GREAT SKILLS that a women can have ;)……Ohh why didn’t I think about that long time ago…

I want to PM you my number but you need to get 50 post first so I guess I have to wait :wink:

you want to PM me your number ? if thats you in the dp, then be my guest :wink: :20:

Oh nice!!! Pipnroll and Amy… sits in dark corner grinning


If you really want to tell us about the course why don’t you tell us about the course instead of bandying around wild claims of guaranteed returns.

Even better how about a myfxbook link?

lol…very entertaining for you Mr. Grey :wink:

Hey Amy,

I just wanted to let you know that I won’t take “No” for answer in regards to my proposal to you (to help you with Sales/Marketing/Advertising).

Since I really can’t wait to get started, below is my number:

[B]Toll Free # 1-800-888-6769[/B]…Call Me, Maybe :wink:

Ext. 007 - (from my British Spy boyfriend :wink: )

This thread is hilarious. We even have mentions of game of thrones … And Christian Grey … From 50 Shades of Grey. Welcome to your fantasies. :slight_smile:

I’m Amy2, it’s funny to read how inorants peoples can talk badly about something they have no idea how it is.
First i want to tell you that if you want to know more about Amy’s life she wrote a book and believe it or not the ebook is 100% free. It’s called “Far from it”, there is a “happy or money back” policy on it so you just have to buy it, read it and ask for you money back, or not if finally you think all this is not a scam.
And infinite prosperity cost 499$ you can’t say that it’s expensive(i got it before the raise at 399$) and that will save you a lot of time and as time is money i can garanty that you’ll save a lot of money with this course again searching by yourself without really knowing where to search or what to search, wasting time on watching tons of useless youtube course usualy made by people who have no idea how to profit in trading but pretend to be good .
Some of you say that you can’t have this lifestyle unless you have at least 10millions $, are you serious when you say that ? Robert always bough used Lamborghinis (he never claimed they were brand new you can see the years of each of his cars on his website) there is plenty of used lamborghinis for less than 100K$, so there is absolutely no need to be millionaire to get one. You’re limited at thinking that Amy got helped by Robert but when she was in Australia she already had an awesome lifestyle and a BMW, check out her profile amy53, she started by an ebay business then one of her friend teach her how to trade. She’is actually trading a $500+K account. And you’re also limited at the businesses Roberts has on internet but how about the others one thats have nothing to do with internet ?

Please stop commenting on things you don’t know anything about. You could at least get the IP free membership and read the first lesson.

I’ve done some free trading course and they never really explain the real thing with simplicity i always ended more confused than before taking those free courses and never really learned where to start or where to go. With IP everything is easy to follow and apply.

Sorry for my poor grammar has you know i’m a typical Australian ***** and in Australia we speak french so my english is not perfect :p. but if you don’t mind i can write in french or even spanish.

No need fro French (although I suppose that you have had lots and lots of practice), your bogan ‘gramma’ gets your message across.

Hey you,

I have watched Robert Hilmer and his girl, Amy, on Youtube many times. Videos are pretty good if I must say.

However, there are several speculations on this topic. Doing a simple google on their names you can see forums dedicated to their titles. It has been said in various forums that Himler’s dad owns a very large and profitable car company based in Florida (Props to that man!). However, I dont want to get into the details but people can do their own reading and research. This dynamic duo seems to good to be true.

The only thing believable is that Amy Sangster is a trader. That video is very misleading and can guide many uneducated people into the wrong direction. She said “make $10,000 in 20 mins.” If you look at the ending shots of the video, you can tell as a technical trader that she does not involve herself in the market for just 20 minutes to make $10,000. That is foolish to say and to believe. Look at her pip levels. This is a long term trade.
That “volatility” in the video is coming from an eventful news so I dont understand why she said to ignore the bias from news.

Any who, I don’t have anything against IP or Amy but I will chip in a penny or two when I see someone trying to take advantage of the uneducated/uninformed population. Props to you in that you are understanding and growing as a trader.

If we are rich and successful as Amy - maybe we can get gurlzzz like Amy…

You guys…. leave Amy alone…

Just an update… Amy and I are been busy “creating” this new big thing to teach and share our knowledge and to outreach to those traders who still not aware about our fabulous IP website. We are also been busy to test out those new Lambo and Ferrari and trying to decide which one we will use for our next photo shot and as you may or may not all know this will help to boost our advertisement and marketing campaign ad…we could not believe how difficult it is to choose between Red or Pink color…it is so much harder than picking which currency pair to trade.

Lastly, we are still debating if this new big thing in for invites ONLY or not… Twitter and Facebook will be up and running shortly… so stay tune :slight_smile:

I’m Amy2, it’s funny to read how inorants peoples can talk badly about something they have no idea how it is.
First i want to tell you that if you want to know more about Amy’s life she wrote a book and believe it or not the ebook is 100% free. It’s called “Far from it”, there is a “happy or money back” policy on it so you just have to buy it, read it and ask for you money back, or not if finally you think all this is not a scam.
And infinite prosperity cost 499$ you can’t say that it’s expensive(i got it before the raise at 399$) and that will save you a lot of time and as time is money i can garanty that you’ll save a lot of money with this course again searching by yourself without really knowing where to search or what to search, wasting time on watching tons of useless youtube course usualy made by people who have no idea how to profit in trading but pretend to be good .
Some of you say that you can’t have this lifestyle unless you have at least 10millions $, are you serious when you say that ? Robert always bough used Lamborghinis (he never claimed they were brand new you can see the years of each of his cars on his website) there is plenty of used lamborghinis for less than 100K$, so there is absolutely no need to be millionaire to get one. You’re limited at thinking that Amy got helped by Robert but when she was in Australia she already had an awesome lifestyle and a BMW, check out her profile amy53, she started by an ebay business then one of her friend teach her how to trade. She’is actually trading a $500+K account. And you’re also limited at the businesses Roberts has on internet but how about the others one thats have nothing to do with internet ?

Please stop commenting on things you don’t know anything about. You could at least get the IP free membership and read the first lesson.

I’ve done some free trading course and they never really explain the real thing with simplicity i always ended more confused than before taking those free courses and never really learned where to start or where to go. With IP everything is easy to follow and apply.

Sorry for my poor grammar has you know i’m a typical Australian ***** and in Australia we speak french so my english is not perfect :p. but if you don’t mind i can write in french or even spanish.[/QUOTE]

Oh come on Amy… You can do better then this! You didn’t even go into how well you can condition everyone’s mind into thinking like winners… Which we all know, is the only thing holding anyone back in life from becoming a millionaire… C- for effort

Hey drefhill,

I am not sure if you read the thread from the beginning of this post, if you don’t …feel free to do so. Our members in this community already have had numerous debate of what type of IP business is. We are fully aware that IP is “packaging” all the basic (or maybe there is an advance course, don’t know) information in terms of trading in which , as you have mention, it cost about $499. For some, they are willing to pay for that kind of money but for some do not …especially if they/we are fully aware as well that we can get all of that information for free here in BP website or just basic search on Google.

I know you are trying to make a testimony about the services or the experience that you have with them and I thank you for sharing. However, would it be more appropriate to do your testimony directly to IP website as opposed to here? Unless, you are one of their representative/sales person who is trying to advertise via your “testimony”…

I think we are more interested to see a “trading strategy/system” (if it is existed) than a “testimony” with a new account/name keep popping up into this thread and dig out from the very backbone of this forum…I think it is silly… well, we can always use this thread as a form of “entertainment” every time a new name pop up to make a testimony….what do you think?

P.S: Maybe you can help me to decide between Red or Pink color…:wink:

So, drefhill, when did Australia change from predominately English speaking to French speaking?

I’ve been living here, on and off, for over 30 years, and since Phillip set up the colony in 1788 the country has moved from the various aboriginal tongues to English. Whilst I’m sure some do speak French at home, Australia is an English speaking country (even if we have no ‘official’ language).

cyco living herre in florida I can say I have met lots and lots of people from Aussie Residents and tourists. I will say You all do speak as close to english as any other country out there (besides england of course) however I can always spot an Aussie over a brit any day. There is a big difference between the accent. I dont mean anything by that just something I have noticed.

As far as Amy and IP hey she has money and looks good. I remember my old boss telling me one day (after I had come back from a hunting trip and had not shaved) he called me in as something went wrong while I was out but was my fault. So he called me in to lecture me. One thing he told me was it is a lot easier to talk you way out of a mistake if you look good doing it. Not sure why I just stated that as it was pointless to my post but hell I am not deleting it.

Anyhow one thing that really has not been debated about those 2 is the fact they got money lots of money. Reguardless if that got it from hardwork or it was given to them it might be worth listening to what they have to say. If it is worth 499 or not well that is something you would just have to pay the money to find out. They do provide a service for the money so they are not a scam and offer a money back guarantee so I dont see anyone here that has not taken the course having any valid argument. As you dont have millions to say there wrong and you didnt take the course. So cut them some slack. She gave this site cudos so she must know something. Once apon a time there was good people on here and not a bunch of people out for blood. So unless someone took the time and spent the money I dont see how anyone could say anything about this course. I have not seen to many people that have taken the course claiming they are a scam. Just people that have not taken the course badmouthing it. At least not more than any other site that is not a scam. Typically (and I could be wrong I have not taken the course as I wont spent 500 bucks to find out) when that happens it means people that did take the course are generally satisfied with it. As most dont comment when they are happy. So you will always here more badthings than good about any company.

Look at you bob… Lil ray of sunshine over thinking the best of people :slight_smile:

that’s right this video is exagerated and hide the reality but who woudnt ? Seriously if one day i was able to make this kind of money and grab it on video i’ll be more than happy to show it on Youtube without saying that i lost a lot of $ before and that it took me months to learn if you tell the reallity you don’t make any buzz and noone watch your video. She give some informations in the description. With her strategies you don’t need to watch the news, she just got lucky this day, 20% of course she don’t make this every day and some news probably helped the trades but she’s not trading the news. A lot of IP students got the JPY big run few months ago and Lewis Moker talked about it the day before without having cared about news, the next day a big news came and we got huge profit but the trades were not placed to catch any news, the news just added up to the technical analysis.
What do you call a long term trade ? She say she’s using the daily charts, her running trade have maximum 2days and the closed ones have maximum 4-5 days (the open/close date is showed) she is just saying that it took her 20min to place the orders and then she just wait, eventualy for few days but she got a trade closed in 12min with 1.5Kprofit and the ones who last 5days just gave her little profits.
Of course it’s exagerated saying she got 10K in 20min or 10K for the day as she still has 7K in running so those can still close in losses and can last few days more and maybe no get any more profit for the rest of the week/month.

Look at my currents trades 17% in few days, not to bad eh ? I’m sadly not has rich has her yet so my account is pretty small. But if i was i would probably have made 10K has she did 2years ago, with a such profit rate she easily got enought time to make the $ needed to buy Supercars and some 1K Louis Vuitton pairs of shoes.

that’s right this video is exagerated and hide the reality but who woudnt ? Seriously if one day i was able to make this kind of money and grab it on video i’ll be more than happy to show it on Youtube without saying that i lost a lot of $ before and that it took me months to learn if you tell the reallity you don’t make any buzz and noone watch your video. She give some informations in the description. With her strategies you don’t need to watch the news, she just got lucky this day, 20% of course she don’t make this every day and some news probably helped the trades but she’s not trading the news. A lot of IP students got the JPY big run few months ago and Lewis Moker talked about it the day before without having cared about news, the next day a big news came and we got huge profit but the trades were not placed to catch any news, the news just added up to the technical analysis.
What do you call a long term trade ? She say she’s using the daily charts, her running trade have maximum 2days and the closed ones have maximum 4-5 days (the open/close date is showed) she is just saying that it took her 20min to place the orders and then she just wait, eventualy for few days but she got a trade closed in 12min with 1.5Kprofit and the ones who last 5days just gave her little profits.
Of course it’s exagerated saying she got 10K in 20min or 10K for the day as she still has 7K in running so those can still close in losses and can last few days more and maybe no get any more profit for the rest of the week/month.

Look at my currents trades 17% in few days, not to bad eh ? I’m sadly not has rich has her yet so my account is pretty small. But if i was i would probably have made 10K has she did 2years ago.
<img src=“301 Moved Permanently”/>[/QUOTE]

$3,800?! Lol now we know Amy’s actual account size… I’m a little disappointed Amy, I though you would have had at least $5k after selling all those “far from it” ebooks that contain numerous plagiarized material from other sources…