Thoughts on Amy Sangster of

Banker, too bad there’s no -rep button here, otherwise I’d give you one. You have a nasty habit of stirring up **** against other people.

That classic rule of intelligent investing.

Yes. Everything has a time/money cost to it. We can all cook our own food, but many people choose the convenience of pre-packaged food, or going out to restaurants etc. And many people pay not just to gain education, but also to access “gated” communities of similar-minded people.

I know I’ve blown $600+ on books in the last few years…

There is free “pre packaged food” in this case… It’s like going to a store and giving the store $600 for a pre packaged meal… When a free pre packaged meal is down the next aisle… And the justification the shopper gives is they don’t want to put in the effort to walk to the next aisle… It’s lazy and lazy people will never be successful traders

Interesting thread!

Amy and IP were one of the few catalysts that gave me the drive to get into forex, and I am glad for it. Forex has given me a little bit of hope in my future and something to constantly aspire to and to learn for the rest of my life and also make a living off of. Although I have considered signing up at IP, I decided I will not spend a penny on the information because, like others have said throughout this thread, all of it can be found online if you know how and where to look. I’ve downloaded over 700 videos off youtube, I’m almost done babypips school, and read the Investopedia’s walkthrough, and many other websites. In future I may reconsider, as $ won’t be as much of an issue and I want to take a bit of knowledge from everyone, not just ICT(much respect bud). I looked at IP’s “curriculum” and there’s only a few topics or things that I didn’t see yet online (also their trading journal looks neat) but the titles could just be misleading, IDK. I would rather save $ to fund my account when I become proficient at trading. All those links on how Amy and Robert are “scam artists” are suspect, to say the least. Secretentourage must be a scam as well, if they’re interviewing both Amy and Robert separately, according to the logic of most of the posts on here :stuck_out_tongue: There is nothing wrong with monetizing your knowledge and skills. As someone else touched upon, passive income is the easier way to win the rat race and whether she is as good as she wants to portray herself as or not, I do not believe for a second she is a “scam”. Stretching her abilities may be a more appropriate, if at all. What did you guys expect them to do? Use cheap camera equipment, drive hyundai’s and make the videos from their garage and then expect people to 1) take them seriously 2) pay ANY amount of $ for their knowledge? lol Of course they want to present themselves in the best light. This is all of course just my personal opinion and also is not the point of this post.

[I]It’s sad to see there are so many cynical people on this great forum; so many people who don’t realize that there is something special and personally rewarding when you teach other people who want the skills you have. If you meet enough teachers or experts or consultants of their respective fields, whether it’s education, finances, music or martial arts, you will know that teaching not only is personally rewarding, but also “keeps them on their toes” in terms of keeping up to date in their field and their skills sharp. This thread reeks of ignorance

i signed up to their silver program last year mid august and all i can say is so far, so good. its funny how people assume she’s a millionaire because she has a lambo and an R8. she ain’t a millionaire. even in her program, she says forget about ridiculous profits, and concentrate more on freeing up time and earning respectable return. as for her cars, both her cars are on finance and it makes sense. she started off with $120k when she started trading at 20. ever since i started, i’ve been averaging 7% per month (including good runs and downdraws) since starting their program (7 months ago). so assuming she’s been getting similar results, by the time she bought her first lambo at 22, she would have turned that 120k into 600k. getting a finance deal on a 100k car over 5 years is $1.6k per month (probably 2k per month including interest)… if she took half of her 7% monthly gain at 600k to spend on herself and left the other half in her capital… she’d be getting $21k per month… she would have paid off the lamborghini monthly loan payment and STILL have $19k to play with… even if she bought the lambo at 120k, she’d be getting $4.2k per month, minus the 2k for the lambo… 2.2k to play with AND a lambo. its not even rocket science. props to her for being smart with her trading profits.

Not figuring in membership fees?! …lol… One can,t get rich in day to day trading in forex unless one is already rich to begin with. She is somewhat attractive and young and she cashed in those assets while selling you the dream.

Lol you are helping her pay for her lambo… In exchange for material you could have easily found for free… Lol

And she has stated she is a millionaire … Even has a website dedicated to stating that

If this is even a remotely accurate net worth (mind you how weird it is to have your own website just displaying your estimated net worth) then my guess is the majority is from peddling her site and various ventures with Robert Himler.

And where does a 20 year old get $120k without “any help from anyone” as she claims… Nah good luck with your trading though

even with membership fee’s i don’t think she’s a millionaire. the membership fee is are one off, unlike a few others like Tim Sykes for example, who gets monthly fee of $100 from a 1000 students or so he claims, so thats $1mil a year ! … and its true you can’t hope to be living her lifestyle with 1k, but gaining capital isn’t the hard bit. the hard bit is producing consistent strong monthly profit.

Well you are calling her a liar then if you don’t think she is a millionaire … Because she is saying she is… Lol so welcome to the club :slight_smile:

You seem to know where she puts her money as you mention about her lambo and other cars are on finance, as an example. So tell me, what other stuff that she has that are on finance maybe shoes, clothes, make-up (to look hot and pretty on photo shoots for advertising), pent-house somewhere, vacations, etc.?

If you have a net worth like that, you could buy a nice paid for BMW for that kind of money. It is a “Status Symbol” like lambo car for example, that it proves everything she shows on her websites is just to attract naïve people and buy in to their line of service. Flashing these fancy expensive things and showing off a luxury lifestyle, etc. is the way to go because most people are so attractive to material things and wanted to have that “Status Symbol” as well to add to their boring lifestyle. The thing is she is not even close to call being rich. Sure, 1Million is a lot but to acquire this expensive things and to maintain the lifestyle that she shows she has, you have to be a Multi-Millionaire (10 Million and above) just to keep up.

What I am trying to convey is that be very careful with this kind of business that they are selling you. If you are willing to pay for the “convenience” fee for that materials go ahead…but think twice because you can get those for free anywhere without any fancy show off things and a hot babe who is selling you the dream and it might not be yours…it’s for her to finance her dream…:wink:

haha, in all honesty, whether she is a millionaire or not, it doesn’t bother me… if it wasn’t for her, i wouldn’t have even thought of trading forex. i wouldn’t be here. i wouldn’t making a half decent 7% a month. and its true, you CAN get strategies from across the internet that would get return as much, if not more. but coming from a noob background, knowing nothing about forex, the thought of the 95% of traders losing money trading forex loomed in the back of my head. So i had a choice of taking the normal route of going through forums, reading books, etc etc, in which i had 5% chance of ending up as a successful trader, or Amy’s course, which is taught directly by people who are ALREADY part of the 5%. so, i weighed up the chances and then decided if i was going to learn forex, i want to learn it the correct way to put me straight into the winning 5%, and it delivered. i’m already £5k up from when i starting trading a £10k account live and i only invested £250 on the course. idk about you but a £250 investment for a guaranteed £5k 6 months later is fair play. £250 to put me into a position 95% of forex traders simply didn’t get to and most likely lost more than £250 in the process. so, personally, i think its really good value for money and if it paid for her lambo, good for her… some people would think otherwise and if you are in 5% without spending a penny, then fair play. i never had the time or balls to go it alone so fair play to you.

Have you looked at the school of pips here at baby pips?

And you are saying your profits were "guaranteed " when you bought the course?

If I had realised it was guaranteed I would have signed up before.

Lol yeh… Figured as much…

The wording of “Leon’s” posts on this topic are too accommodative to be anyone but her…

i’m not her dad LOL but it only makes sense, to me personally, to get finance on a 6 digit car without taking too much equity… i don’t care about her dreams :)… i care about my own (y)

So Amy… I’m pretty good at trading as well… How about we go for a long walk and discuss our strategies together… I dunno maybe get some ice cream and stop by a puppy shop along the way…?

thats hilarious !!

i don’t think she’s desperate to get people on her course. i’m posting my experience on her course just like what this thread is about. saying i’ve had a positive experience makes me …her :S

i can’t tell if you’re serious or not.

Uh huh… I’m very serious Amy, and you playing hard to get will only make me try harder… Just think about it…

P.s. I’m taller and have more hair then Robert.

P.p.s. you may have read my autobiography but if you haven’t that may change your mind as well.

hahaha, hilariouss !! alright kl kl… :wink: how tall are you mate ? :wink: