Thoughts on Scalping?

Ok then you and pablopluto aren’t on the same fields. You don’t use pablopluto method which must represent centuries on your scale. It is your TRO indicator with your statistics system.

There are many ways to scalp trade.

Does that help?

The 2 links have got the same content globally. I understand the auction concept. I also understand that this system require speed, no hesitation and, if one want to win money there, to have yet a huge amount of money.

There is no MM there, nothing to learn, it is just rude and brutal.

Well, I just wrote the indicator for the pablo method today. But I see how it triggers and I would grab a fast 5 - 10 pips.

Used a new indicator that I wrote based on a idea that I got from forexgreenwood in another thread here.

Signaled a winner!

Whats the setup and rules
Can u PM it to me

Below is a quote from UML Live thread.


I’ve asked you not to disturb the UML Live thread but you did it again.

Ok, if i read you i can see that you want to point out that tymen was wrong about scalping and its definition. Let’s say you are true. THEN ? Is it a reason to keep posting such answers in non related threads ? Make a real thread (that one was for it no ?) to explain how this works.

BUT have you ever tried to teach something ? It is very hard. You never expect the way students will understand or hear what you say. Then, beleive me, if ever you try to make everyone understand your method rather than focusing on a vocabulary stuff you will see people getting of interest and maybe the general looking at this method will positively change.

If i follow your principles, you aren’t trying to make friends nor saying which method can work or the reverse, not even trying to explain precisely how this works. Then why are you there ?

As far as i can read our yesterday discussion, TheRumpledOne, ECN-Scalper and you got 3 different definition for scalping. There must be more then, don’t you think ?

Can you admit that if you, those who use the scalping method, don’t explain how “simple” it could be (i take your words), then noone will be able to know it. Is it your goal ? Stay hidden ?

The links TheRumpledOne gave are very interesting and you should make a thread starting with those or even making an index of them.

No method is THE truth. As usual there are different methods and as often veteran says, try them and find the best that suits you. That means everyone is different, haven’t got the same time, haven’t got the same goal.

Don’'t you agree that the best way to argue about the method is you, expert of it, define it, train with it and show charts or comments on it ?

Then it would be soooooo simple to answer whoever with a link to the thread. Then EVERYONE new or old (or worse) on this forum will be able to make his opinion and that won"t stay a stupid fight on …i don’t even know on what because you are 3 and there is yet 3 definitions…

Use the power of this forum to show something different. No need to fight, no need to shout, no need to lower people.

Hope you hear me.

What is and where is the UML Live thread?


I responded there because my link on my email sent me. That was my fault I shouldnt have posted it there. No one asked how it works or ask me to give them a little help. The ones that did I provided it to them. I dont solicit that I can help people. I dont advertise that I want to help people because you get alot of people who waste time and are geeked up and not serious. Its simple to scalp I am not hidden I engage and help people where I can. The people who ask questions other than “How much money can I make” are more serious about trading. No one asked for a thread or started one on how to scalp efficiently. A the Method as you said Tymen made a comment that says one method wont work. One method he is scared of and says to eveyone its the devil. Thats how it started. Im not a expert I scpecialize it. I will never say Im a expert. There are many ways to scalp mine may not be the best or it may not hold a candle to someone elses setup. I started out as a way to show something different from Tymen and I guess I hurt his ego or pride. Well all share the same difinition scalping is very short term trades. Dont get on me if I didnt start it. Im not going to back down because someone is wrong dont want to admit it or they are the 2nd senior.

But I hear you. I apoligize for responding to him in that thread tell him to put his responses in this one.

Thanks. Never heard of Tyman.


I have taught before. Its not that hard. The reason instructors wants to know background info on you is to relate information based on your background or history. If im explaining what a diode does to a mechanic I would say it like a check valve. If you relate the infromation to prior experiences you establish a bridge in the mind to find correlation to the new subject manner. The vocab. is a issue when the mind uses words association. Its dangerous to associate words or lines of thought to people who have no background information on the subject. If I said dihydrogen monoxide kills 4000 people a year. Its used to treat the food you eat. Most people consume it on a daily basis. Now when I say its water there is a different association in the mind. Someone who didnt know the difference or similarities could be for one and not for the other. Scalpers tend to not divulge on strats because its not relevant. Time is whats relevent. Exposure to the market time, time in trade, pip range. Those are the main factors to consider. I want to see people who try to do things for themselves. Not say do this that. People are afraid to experiment find out what works for them. What works for me might not work for others. So to get into detail early on before people learn truthfully what is involved in EVERY strat. Im willing to help and only those that are serious to know. Im not going to throw it out there. Has anyone asked that I didnt try to help?

Pablo, one negative about moving average scalping it the late entry.

On the other hand, it usually works for new traders because the trend has been establish and their just looking for a small piece of it.

Nice job, keep it up.

One thing I would suggest is using a longer period moving average like ma(50) or ma(200) to use as a directional bias.

When price below bias, short the rallies.

When price above bias, buy the dips.

It’s really very simple.

Many thanks for your understanding and i’ll forward your invitation.

I also want to tell you that the method you describe [B]NEED [/B]a clear explanation and how users are dealing with it ? What are the traps ? Where you heard about that ? Why this method ? What is the profile of those traders ? What are the requirements ? What kind of brokers (not only one) ? Is it actually what are doing FSB to win money ? Is it legal ? And so on…

I can write here a huge list of questions about that but i think the first step would be someone that know it well then describe it.

I’m sure also that there will be people that will not be able to use that method because it will be too much of something or not enough of … That doesn’t mean the method isn’t good. That only mean this guy isn’t ready yet to trade with that method.

Babypips school tell to feel at ease the method each of us use to trade. More than true, this is just obvious.

Even if i doubt i’ll use shortly that kind of trade, i’m still curious about the method and the use of it. Maybe i’ll test it one day but only if i can understand it. Until then, you’ll see me around asking questions and maybe stupid.

To [B]TheRumpledOne[/B]

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know tymen.

Agree on most of your points. I still see a difference between the guy that know and the one that can teach. Often these 2 guys are not the same. This is because teaching is difficult. As you said everyone has his background knowledge and because of Internet, you can’t suppose everyone has followed the grades.

BUT, whatever level you are, there are explanations. See how one teach you 1+1=2 when you were around 7-8 years old. And it was just : “ok, here are the tables, learn them for tomorrow”. When were you able to understand how 1+1 gives 2? (19-20 years old, boolean algebra !). So it comes slowly but it comes.

You are true, people must experiment. They want it cooked yet. But never mind, those won’t last long. The only advise when they have been discovered is to send them read babypips school because WE all know they will try real money. So WE, as learners, HAVE TO guide them immediately to the first degree of trading.

I hope you and the others that are scalping would take the time to make “everyone” discover another way of trading which might be VERY profitable. Maybe even you, will improve the method because of others point of view.

I’ll be reading even if i write nothing, beleive me.

I will try out some

The traps, I found is around news releases and Sundays(dont ask me why its just is). I didnt hear about it I experimented with different indicators found which where more reliable and which werent. The strat. tends to do well for people who can sit in front of the computer, doesnt want to have a complex setup to analyze. I have traded it on Oanda low spreads I tried it on FXCM they refunded me after 1 week. It depends on weather they know its not a get rich quick scheme but they have to work. and Have patience it can work for them.

Yeah, i saw that but at least it has to do with people that really get the auction thing. I often read also for other trading method that news release gives false signals, so IMO nothing special there.

I have traded it on Oanda low spreads I tried it on FXCM they refunded me after 1 week.

It is not the first time you or other scalper talk about that. Why that ? Is it a legal stuff to scalp ? Is it legal to prevent one to do it ? As soon as their system provide data on time i can’t see the reason. Or that mean they are not that confident in their data ? Do they have an automated way to correct them within 1 or 2mn then their behaviour would be logic …

It depends on weather they know its not a get rich quick scheme but they have to work. and Have patience it can work for them.

I don’t know if a demo account will allow one to train that method ?

I have lost a lot of money over the years straddling the price before a report. It appeared to be a safe move as the volotility before the report was low as they waited for the release. The range was small and the long and short entry should have provided a low-risk entry since a whipsaw would be confined to the difference between the two orders. Sad to say that if there was a surprise many times I would have slippage down to the bottom of the blow-out and many times on the reverse side. I lost $200 on a trade with an additional 1,000 on slippage. (That is my worst one) I found that if I let the market run a pre-determined amount and then faded the move a pretermined amount that I could actually make money off the reports. For example, on the ES I would require a minimum of 5 points run out of the previous 5 minute range, I would sell short 2 points below the high, and take 2 point profit. I would risk to the high(which would be 2 points). If it made new highs for the 2 point loss I would take it back into the range again at 2 points lower than the new high. I traded the same scenario on the futures eurodollar.(EC) and have done it on the forex market also. The charts can certainly be deceptive if you think you are filled where your stop entries are. I thought I would share the painful learning experience in hopes that those who haven’t tried this might reconsider.—The big loss was a pit trade before they split the contract in half so $100 was only 2 points. That was also when the orders had to be phoned in. I trade this automated on tradestation and just input the report time.


Simple scalping method based on the fact the price moves up and down over time.

Lines are plotted at prices ending in 00, 25, 50 and 75 on a H1 chart.

If the previous candle was RED then we wait for a GREEN candle to start forming, if the GREEN candle touches a line, enter long. It is that simple. You should make 3 - 5 pips quickly. Or you can stay in the trade longer for more pips.

Try this with any currency pair you want on a H1 chart. If you actually trade it, use money management and position sizing.

MT4 CODE ATTACHED but I didn’t write this indicator. (3.79 KB)