UML Live


This thread intend to be a training one that allow Tymens students to post their potential trades or idea of trade. Every post should be as detailed as possible. The concept is to train for radar, design, guess, …EVERYTHING !
Then one should also write his feeling to have the others or teacher tymen correcting if necessary.

Remember guys that you have to make a mistake to correct it. If you never make anything you will not make mistakes but you’ll never do anything… Then, go , feel confident, anyway there will be one to guide you thru [B]UML [/B]land.

Nevertheless, this thread isn’t an explanation of the method and noone will explain it there. The new reader may refer to the links below if he want to understand and more generally to the whole thread THE JOY OF CANDLESTICK TRADING - a Learning Experience.

I thought it could be interesting to explain a little bit how to make snapshots. If you’re using Vista or XP there is a default painter (Accessories). When you look at your screen you can use your keyboard button ‘Print Screen’ (should be above the Enter key). This will put a copy of your screen in your clipboard. Then back to Paint, File->New then ‘paste’ from your clipboard. This is it ! Then you can add comments, lines or questions on the picture, then post !

Ok, there are two ways to post. First with the forum functionalities. It will show a thumbnail in your post and the reader will have to click on it to view it. Another method is the one used by tymen which include the picture directly in the post. He uses a hosting service from a free server (there are plenty of those). I would suggest we keep the thumbnail for us and let the teacher use the inside system. Otherwise it will be hard to read the thread when many of you guys will post with the comments…

So now it’s all up to YOU !

Thanks for sharing and many thanks to tymen.

"Don’t go where there is a path. Open a new one and leave a trail".
If you want to understand what we’re talking about here (UMS) then read this and set your screen and computer that way

Great. these two threads are going to be very useful…!

Thanks for setting them up…


Hi everybody,just entered this trade for a long term trade.but am not sure about the trade that’s why i put the SL.:slight_smile:

Nice chart but can you give us more written detail?

You have encircled two candles - is that the pattern you wished to trade?

Did you see that as a long engulfing pattern.

You have 4 lines on the chart-

2 red dashed
1 green dashed
1 full line.

What does each one mean?

Where was your entry, and which line was the stop loss?
Is one of them a take profit line?

Once we know a bit more about your trade, we are in a position to comment.

Hope you don’t mind if I answer being an MT4 user…

The top red dashed line is the t/p,
the green dashed line is the (buy) entry,
the bottom red dashed line is the s/l,
and the full line was the current price at the time of the screen print.


Thanks Sweet Pip for answering the question for me.I had an internet problem .Just to make things clear,about the lines ,it’s just like sweet pip said .I did see it as a long engulfing entry was at 95.23,T.P was at 95.43 and SL at 95.03.The trade did go my way when i checked later.:D:D
Will give more details the next time i post a trade.thanks all.:slight_smile:

Saw another trade on the aussie 30M TF but it happened to early for me to trade it.I hope all the details required are on the charts.It is the long engulfing pattern.:slight_smile:

Never mind ericoco!

There will be plenty more.

Stand by for the release of my 4 levels of candlestick trading, [B]Scalping[/B], [B]Basic[/B], [B]Intermediate [/B]and [B]Advanced[/B]!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

There will be a level to suit you!! :slight_smile:

I would love to see your piece on scalping.

Why? Do you fathom any of it in any shape
or form being educational or usable? Doubtful!

I want to see if he trashes scalping like its not worth a name so I am looking forward to seeing if he kicks scalping.To me its amazing that he can “teach” scalping which according to him is horrible. I want to see it. I compare it to a feminist teaching on being a strong alpha male.

I would like to recall you 2 that this thread intend to be a discussion on the UML method not on the vocabulary stuff nor on scalping method. Worse, it is only a training thread not even on the rules.

Then i will thank both of you to keep the subject in mind and open targetted thread if you feel it is needed. I’m sure everyone will be pleased to comment, answer and argue with you on any kind of subject if they are concerned.

Many thanks.

I didnt target it I didnt start this I want to make sure that the method isnt being taught as a inferior method. Its ok to say its risky, you have to watch the charts all day, etc. But to come out to say its unfeasible, unrelible then to give false information out, use 2 different terms interchangeable or to insinuate its stipid. Is foolish. Then because of a bruised ego say someone else has a ego is crazy. I dont care if theory and everything else is said. I dont recommend is a sufficient statement. Tell the truth from experience not what I seen. I seen a couch on TV that can stop bullets. It must be true. Just cause I seen or read it somewhere doesnt mean its true. Someone said it cant be done. and they stepped on a land mine. They cant backtrack or go forward.

For your information, pablopluto, I am using the term scalping, loosely.
To be exact, I am presenting a candlestick strategy for very short term trading.

I would not post a strategy on pure scalping.
It requires lighning fast responses, lots of experience, huge bankrolls.
It is not suitable for the people on this thread who are learning basic candlestick trading.

That leaves you out in the cold, doesn’t it? :smiley:

Cannot pick any more pointless, unconstructive, stupid arguements with me to feed you loser ego.

I see that your reputation points are getting very negative since I last posted to you. :smiley:

Looks like everyone thinks you are a real pest on this forum and definitely not welcome? :smiley:

So to you and Ecn scalper…
Until such time as you two start developing green positive reputation points, I would rather that you both stayed right away from my candlestick thread.
If not, I shall contact the Babypips staff (they have encouraged my contact with them) and have your posts removed from this forum. :mad:

Misery loves company.
And both of you appear to be very miserable people.
A pair of losers?
One of you is already a troll and the other is rapidly becoming one.

So stay away from us because we are actually growing in knowledge while you two are only being totally destructive.

Looking forward to your ‘scalping’ technique Tymen. I’m all ears for anything to do with candlesticks. :smiley:

Well whats very short term trading called? scalping
Its pretty warm here in San Diego
You proved again you dont know what scalping is.
So reputaion points tells if you a good trader. Well you must be richer than Paul Rotter, George Soros, and Ross Perot.
I said I wanted to see it. Are you nervous it might not be worth anything

Well I see you still don�t understand what is needed in scalping/ short term trading. Scalping can suit anyone. I think I bruised your ego and proved you wrong and your mad. If you live for reputation point that only tells me that your here to make friends be buddy buddy, also its like a boost to your ego. I feel you went popular in high school now there is that need to make friends or get reputation points like it something. How about this shows people how to make money and not try to be friends with them. If you think reputation points make you a good trader. Your wrong. I believe calling someone a loser is a violation of babypips policy on replying to post. ECN was right you live for this. You priorities are backwards you should. Trade to live to live to trade. It seems to me that you feel your purpose is to be looked up to. Do you really think you can make decisions for people? So as per you none of them want to know about scalping. You are very arrogant to think that. You are their supreme leader. As for reputation I�m negative because you and your friend. Do I care, not really. I think you feel threatened by me. You feel this is your purpose. You feel wanted, you feel needed. I help people here to make them profitable. You help people to feel wanted. James does a good job of helping people and not trying to tell them what to do. James provides training a group but he doesn�t say �this method wont work mine will.� Tymen what�s sad is that you got called out when you were wrong and you don�t want to admit it. Your defense was I was using the scalping term loosely. Then you say scalping wont make a profit over the years. You commented on something you didn�t know anything about. You statement was wrong. And you keep being wrong. I never said I was right all the time. Unlike you I can admit when Im wrong. I will tell someone up front if I don�t know about something. You didn�t know anything about scalping. You didn�t even know the difference between scalping and arbitrage. But you know scalping, you know arbitrage, you the best way to trade you know the price of the dollar tomorrow. Tymen you are holy and never wrong. I�m not someone who is trying to kiss up to you. I wont bow down to someone who was wrong and wont admit it. I see you don�t have it in you to say you were wrong. In Forextown the thread Arguments and (something I cant remember) was talking about us. If you want to know how people feel about it other than the people that looks up to you. You might want to read it. I stand be my mudslinging and tone was warranted.

I really think your mediocre and over analyse trades longer than need to feel like your big
You stepped on that landmine

What a big lot of writing above!

I cannot be bothered reading it, but glancing at the huge paragraph, it sounds like a lot of whinging. :frowning:

While Pablopluto is whinging, ( and being miserable in the process), I am happily preparing my 4 levels of candlestick trading. :smiley:

I must say excellent progress tonight - in between helping an indigenous friend who was homeless get back on to welfare. :slight_smile:

Joy!! :slight_smile:

We hope reading that from you soon.

I replied to pablopluto on the scalping thread and explained to him what this thread was about and this scalping discussion that you guys “have” can continue on the said thread.

I hope everyone understand each thread can’t discuss about everything. The concept of forums is to focus on one subject per thread otherwise it becomes unreadable.

Tymen i would love to send here the new charts of the new UML… What are you doing ? Playing in the land with indigenous ? :smiley:

As I don’t believe I am allowed to send PMs yet I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tymen for all of his work on the Joy of Candlesticks. I started reading on Sunday and just now finished all 174 pages! It is refreshing and much appreciated to see someone teach and truly give with no self interest or personal gain intended. This is such a rare quality it should be celebrated.

Thank you Tymen, as well as all other contributors to the threads keep up the great work.

Sean Mathes