I am currently studying via the BabyPips school and am trying to set up my charts to match my future style of trading.
I like the hourly charts but would like a way to be able to see the price action broken up by day on the chart.
I can do this manually by entering a vertical line on the chart at every point where it is midnight, but this is very time consuming and it also does not then automatically put another line in for me the next day etc.
Do you know please of a method by which I can achieve the above? Is there an object/indicator that does this within MT4 which I havent spotted?
I don’t know of any such automatic input on MT4 but I am not very familiar with MT4 anyway! On my own trading platform I have to manually input such lines. You might however find an indicator that highlights the various trading sessions for Far East, London and US, if that would be of any help?
Do you know where I’d be able to find one of these that is virus free?
The reason I say virus free is that I installed a pivot point indicator downloaded from a website (which I checked was safe on a whitelist website) yet when I insatlled it into my MT4 my virus software reported it as a virus. :eek: