Hello wonderful people, greetings from South Africa. Please can some one tell me what time frame is best for some one who is new in Forex trading and also what indicators is advisable for a starter? Thanks in advance for your answers.
Hi there georgecnwosu,
First of all, there is no best time frame for Forex. There is no best time frame for any instrument on the market.
On smaller time frames you would aim for smaller but more frequent profits and on the larger time frames you would aim for bigger but less frequent profits.
All time frames have their pros and cons depending only on your personal situation.
If you have a lot of time to trade during the day, then scalping or day trading could be for you.
Don’t have much time? Try swing trading.
If you are planning to be a consistently profitable trader then I would advise on not relying on indicators as they lag behind the price. I’d recommend studying price action analysis but you can use indicators just as an additional method of confirmation.
Just a quick guideline on what is a good to know to have a nice foundation:
Price action analysis (support & resistance, trend lines, candlesticks)
Candlesticks patterns and setups
Indicators (Moving Averages, Bollinger Bands, MacD, RSI)
Pivot points
Risk Management
Fundamental analysis (if planning to trade long-term)
The School of Pipsology is actually pretty good if you’re a beginner and want to start from the basics.
Actually, all time frames are good enough! But, you have to find out the appropriate one for you! For me, D1 is the main time frame according to my strategy! Maybe it’s not suitable for all.
D1 is the basic and primary time frame for any trading strategy. But which trading strategy are you using by D1 time frame? You got better result by means of this?
The questions was asked a year and a half ago by someone who hasn’t been back since asking it!
If you want to post about time frames, there are other current, active threads in which it would make much more sense to do so.