Time Frames

I am so confused about time frames,people trading off differant time frame charts and so on,does it depend on how agressive the trader is,how markets move faster slower or is it to drive new traders to the drinks cabinet sooner.Any advice or ideas…Happy New Year people…

or is it to drive new traders to the drinks cabinet sooner

I like this answer. :lmao:

I am so confused about time frames

It can be a little confusing to start with, if you just imagine that
in the daily chart each candlestick is made up of 6 x 4hr candlesticks,
24 x 1 hr candlesticks, etc.

So if you need to see the long term trend, you look at the daily chart.

Medium term, 4hr or 1hr.

Short term, 30M. 15M

If you then imagine that the long term trend of a pair may be down,
shown by the week or daily chart, but over the last 24 hrs the trend
is up (green, blue or solid candle)(4hr 1hr)

Also the short term could be going either way.

It then depends upon how you would like to trade.

Hope this has made it a little bit clearer.

Thanks daydreamer65,helps a lot.Still going to hit the drinks cabinet, it is New Years.