Time off from trading

Im needing to take some time off from trading for the next 6-9 months as I’ll be on maternity leave (sleep deprivation is definitely not conducive to trading!), however whilst I wont be trading, I don’t want to completely disconnect from the scene either.

  • Have you come back from trading after a break? If so, what helped you come back without having to feel like you’re starting from scratch?

  • Other than audiobooks, are there any audio resources (podcasts or YouTube videos that dont require you to watch) that you listen to in order to learn about trading or about what the market is doing? I feel like this might be a good way to stay in the scene without actually placing trades.

I had two breaks, you are not start from scratch, your trading method is more clear. Personally, I cut info from the internet about trading during that time, only thought about it from time to time.

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Honestly, I didn’t really do anything; my mind just went into overdrive on its own. But that ended up being a good thing because it kept me connected to trading. It also made me more confident about my strategy and trading style. All that overthinking helped me pinpoint the pros and cons of my system. So, when I got back into trading, I could fix the negatives and improve on the positives.

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