Time to crack some pips ICT style!

Hmmm, ok. Doesn’t make much sense to me, why would it be the same when the banks in London open one hour later than normal… Wow I was actually never aware that LO was 4 hours long either :o All this time I have been trading one hour before and one hour after opening time… Ah well, there you have it Sybrand :slight_smile:

Beats me bro, but when looking at it from an extended view of a 4 hour watch zone for possible setups, regardless of DST, your likely to be at the screens when London is opening i guess…

Dunno, just following what he says in the video! lol


NYO had a nice Judas and beleve it or not I missed the entry zooming in on the 1m chart, then entered a bit lower, only for it to return to the sweet spot just now :stuck_out_tongue:


1M chart OTE

Nice, I’ve been knocked back a bit this week (3.2%) - Not an ideal start to the month, but it really only serves as more kindling for the fire that is alight inside me :wink: I will not let this get me down and it’s an absolutely perfect opportunity to test myself under pressure:

Can I hold risk at 0.5% until I make back those losses?
Can I refrain from revenge trading?
Can I prevent the drawdown from making me emo? :wink:

We shall see!

Just a note to anyone that is also still learning these things - I started off this week with a 2.5% winner, which is my exact goal for the week. I then carried on trading and worst of all, trading AGAINST the market flow, and proceeded to lose heavily. It’s good that I get punished for things like that, because the pain leaves its mark and I learn the lesson much more readily than had I gotten away with some break-even trades. So moral of the story - if you meet your weekly goal - GET OUT AND STAY OUT!

Hey PureMuscle

Shouldn’t we always take some profits at 20 or 30 or 40 pips depending on the daily range and market conditions ie with or against the trend etc…? That way you can set your stop to breakeven and still have some profits if it stops you out, but best of all, you can’t lose any more then.

Yep, 100% correct bro. The sad thing is that far too often I just don’t do it, and I end up losing those pips - happened yesterday especially. Like I said, it’s good that I get punished for that, I’ve gotta learn the lesson the hard way for it to stick :wink: By the way, I have been checking your progress on myfxbook bro, you are doing awesomely of late :smiley:

Hey guys

I know we don’t trade Non-Farm Payrolls, but doesn’t this look nice :wink:

and the Judas…

And the OTE

Thx Puremuscle, I’m really trying to make a succes of it now. I really don’t have many choices atm…

I knew I shouldn’t have traded today :stuck_out_tongue:

At least I knew it was going to be a bit of a luck shot if I made some cash before the non-farm payroll and only risked 1%

Fellow Musketeer, take the following on the chin and dont hold it against me - following your wishes for public scoldings! lol

Have a look over your trades this week. The first two things im going to point out are what ive highlighted in your quoted posts:

  • Trading NFP
  • Going against your bias - which you said you dont like to do

Also, there a couple trades in there without a SL limit? Please dont tell me you removed or didnt place a SL!

You know you’ve got the talent to excel in this, i think your last months profits speak for themselves. You’ve set yourself a bar now and become ICT’s star pupil, time to step up :smiley:

Its hard enough actually capturing pips (even though you made it look oh so easy last month), but the easy part needs to be controlling yourself to stop giving them back unnecessarily! Control your losses, maximize your winners - i think this needs to become my life slogan lol!

Remember, dont fight the market bro, take the pips it offers and be happy with it. You had 14 trades this week, look back on all your trades, can you honestly say there all valid setups? Go into next week limiting yourself to like 1 or 2 good trades, you’ll find you’ll want to pass up many opportunities and only take the ones that are no brainers… Anyway, you obviously know what your doing, so reload and come back fresh next week…

I hope to see you tearing it up again next week. And i hope none of this is taken as patronizing, im not trying to compare or say im better in any way, im just doing as you requested and calling you out when need be. Believe me, i face my own battles!

Good Luck Bro
All For One and One For All


Haha bro, believe me I am beyond ashamed of those trades! Sell, Sell, Sell, Sell, Sell, Sell in the face of overwhelming evidence that we are going up up UP… It’s remarkable that someone can be so stubborn when I just know that it isn’t an ideal entry…

Thank you thank you thank you for the public scolding! It always does the trick bro! I was just waiting for either you, tycoon or sladhaFX to bring the proverbial pain - Haha!

It was well and truly a shocking week for me. Even though I cut back risk, it didn’t make a difference because of the number of trades I took. I almost took as many trades this week as I did in the whole of August! Astounding now that I think about it, especially considering my first trade of the week was a winner of 2.5% (Why oh why didn’t I just call it a week… :(). Most ashamedly of all, I was not using my checklist for any of my trades, I was just entering based on gut feel. And trading on NFP Friday - You have got to be kidding me, HOW MANY MORE TIMES WILL I DO THAT???

I wish I had your patience bro! :smiley: I just need to remind myself of what you said, I need to relax and stop forcing entries that clearly aren’t there… If only I remind myself: You only get one shot - make it count!!! Thank you for the advice again bro - you are a legend, trust me on that! Haha I don’t think I am ICT’s star pupil by a long shot :wink: We’ll talk about such things when we’ve multiplied our accounts a couple of times!

Anyway, I gave myself a fair punishment at the gym this evening to make up for today haha. I saw your post on the other thread telling PipJoker to take out his revenge on something other than his account - Excellent advice which I can use to crank out some more weight at the gym haha! I am going to double, no, TRIPLE my efforts to maintain discipline, immaculate discipline. I’ve got a nice uphill climb to finish this month in the green - but I know I can do it if only I focus on the process and keep that control I had during last month! I must reiterate though, I am glad that I am being penalised for my mistakes, because if I got away with them, I’d just keep doing it again and again.

Thank you again bro, for keeping the musketeers in check! :57: You can rest assured that I will do the same!

Can someone point me towards where I can find a chart showing the divergence (if it happens) between the eur/usd pair or the gbp/usd pair and showing the u.s. dollar?

Something exactly similar to what PM posted on this same thread on page 16 at 4:53am. Thanks in advance.

Glad you took it all on the chin bro, i feel bad publicly doing it, but honestly my motives are innocent and i only have your best interests at heart…

Old habits die hard, the main thing is that you know what they are, and work on stopping yourself from doing them. Just be patient and the market will reward you :slight_smile:

Btw, i apologize, as in my last post i was meant to say well done for sticking to your risk management and keeping trades at 0.5% risk after losses! I didnt want the post to be all negative, and the one positive i wanted to say i forgot… Doh! lol
But seriously, thats awesome man, im glad at least thats a habit you’ve left in the past - and by all means, its an important one to leave behind! Think about how your results could have been this week had you not reduced your risk, so again, well done bro!

I just finished my weekly top down analysis, see you on the battlefield on Monday bro!


Thanks everyone I found the chart overlays I was looking for its on dailyfx.com and netdania. I’m posting the site that I use here just in case anyone reads this thread and wonders the same thing. Take care everyone

can someone tell me what an ICT stinger is or where I can find a video about ICT stinger? Thanks in advance

There may be a video that teaches it specifically somewhere but it was in the recent 7-29 Market Review around the 22min mark according to my notes.

Also, The video How Professionals Use Indicators also has some info around 20:30.

Thanks BostonEJ

I’m on it

Ok, just got to say: YAY for foreign currencies! :smiley: I just love Forex! Win or lose, my heart will always be in this game :wink:

Damn but these markets are tough as nails for getting in line with the trend… :wink: