Time to crack some pips ICT style!

How’s that going? I almost entered On the pound but decided to go to bed don’t feel like babysitting it.and the market wasn’t moving much so I figured I’d wait.

Arrrrrrrrgh! Stupid stupid trades today and I’ve dug myself into a bit of a hole this week… My bias has been long for SO LONG, and yet I kept looking for short entries…

Anyway, time to regroup - I’m coming back at ya Mr Market!

Well… look at the bright side - you could have ended way worse :smiley: (personal experience :wink: )

Need to get post count to 5 to get my pic uploaded.


And here is 2…

Almost there…


Is what I’m seeing close to the point here? If it does infact enter I’m good for about 70 pips?

I see a possible OTE forming now on the EUR to go short. I also see some reflection on the high made and GBPUSD/EURUSD divergence.

Lets hope the trade enters :slight_smile:

Please feel free to comment

It looks good but I’m getting more afraid of shorts by the minute. We might have some wild price action before the ECB decision and that just pulls everyone out of the market. But still, your analysis looks good bro :slight_smile:

Whats the latest that we can trade London Open? GMT time…?

Well for us in SA it’s from 8am to 10am bru.

Are you shure? Because thats 7-9 London time? Thats 5-7 GMT, that doesn’t sound right…

Lol bro don’t you know your own country’s timezone :wink: We are GMT+2… So it’s:

8AM-10AM GMT+2 (Pretoria)
7AM-9AM BST (London)

7-9am GMT are the standard LO kill zone hours. Then there are the extended watching hours which start as early as 6am, and run through til 10am GMT…


Ag people leave him, don’t let him hijack the thread now…

Sorry for asking this but can some one please state the kill zones in gmt times? I thought that my platform had the kill zone EA right, but I don’t think it has.

I will apreciate it


So London open can be traded up untill 10GMT?

What are the other killzones?

Inner Circle Trader Trading The Key Swing Points - YouTube

All the information on other killzones - LC and Asia are on his videos on YouTube :slight_smile:

Look at like this right - We are trading the London Open i.e. all that matters is the time in London. ICT’s killzones are 1 hour before and 1 hour after the opening time, which is 8:00AM London Time. So it’s 7:00AM to 9:00AM London time.

If I am not mistaken, London is currently 1 hour behind us (in South Africa), because of DST. So 7:00AM to 9:00AM London time equals 8:00AM to 10:00AM South Africa time. If you don’t believe me, google “What is the time in London”.

London is currently on BST time which is not the same as GMT time - SanJ lives there so he can confirm?

I’ll whatch it again, though I scanned it quickly to try and find the kill zones the other day after whatching it a long time ago, guess whatching it again is time well spent :wink:

Does ICT adjust for DST or not?

Nope, in his video he says for LO in particular he doesnt care too much for DST. Clint has done a write up on it somewhere on specific kill zone times adapted for DST, but generally i go by the usual 6-10…