Time Zones

Does anyone know of a desktop application that shows all the different world market current local times? I have decided it is worth my while to purchase a few clocks tomorrow and I am going to set them to each market’s local time; but, I was wondering if there is a nifty pc application I can download so I can have it on my pc too?
Any help is appreciated

Hi Leroy,

if I understood you correctly, you are looking for a table with local time of different parts of the world. Though it is not related specifically to markets, you might find it useful after all, The World Clock - Time Zones

Qlock is a handy desktop tool for displaying the time from around the world.

For a more forex related tool, why not try the FXMarketHours widget available from Oanda in Google Desktop and Yahoo Widget flavours.

What operating system do you use? If you use Windows Vista, the new sidebar allows you display multiple clocks which I’ve set for differemt time zones.

If you don’t have Vista but XP, you can use Yahoo Widgets instead.

Here’s a cool one, Yahoo! Widget Gallery

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: Thanks for the replies guys. I am on XP, so have downloaded a widgit.
Thanks again:) :slight_smile:

I’ve been using Forex Market Hours Monitor, but the google desktop one looks better.
Forex Market Hours