Hello everyone,
A quick tip for those of you who use the babypips calendar. You may have noticed that everytime you visit the calendar you need to adjust the time zone and currencys you wish to display or, if you’ve bookmarked it, you need to change the date on every visit.
To create a bookmark with the correct date and settings applied do the following.
1). Visit the calendar link : Forex Economic Calendar
2). Adjust your timezone / currency / importance settings to how you want them. Click submit.
3). Compare the URL below to the one in your browser (yours will be much longer, I’ve only shown the first part) and delete the part thats underlined (yours may have slightly different values but delete from “date” right up to the second “&”).
Forex Economic Calendar]date=1207198800&&[/U]timezone=0¤cy%5B%5D=&
4). Press enter to refresh the page to your freshly butchered URL and bookmark it. Now whenever you visit that bookmark it will show the news events for that day and with your settings saved.
Hope that wasn’t too obvious and helped a few people.