To many scammy brokers? mixed reviews all over the place

I get confused when i look at reviews of brokers, sometimes i see really possitive reviews and then soon enough i come accross 1 star reviews which leave me in doubt. In more than several cases, i have seen people complaining that when they want to withdraw that brokers hold their profits etc; because they’re consistently profitable. Is it just that brokers don’t like profitable traders? are they just like the casinos at vegas? or are these brokers just scammers? I’m currently using Pepperstone on demo and i hope to open a live account in time with them, but unfortunately i don’t have the funds to cover the initial minimum deposit, so i was thinking about XE markets instead, but i see too many mixed reviews. :5:

To be safe and sure always deal with the brokers who are well regulated and have a successful and excellent past track record.

What i am saying is that the clients must be satisfied by the broker and that it must offer trading conditions which are equal and fair to all :slight_smile: