I got in a little early on this set up. The dollar is showing strength, and if it continues up we should be OK on this trade.

Target 80.50
Entry 79.79
Stop 79.28

thinking moving my stoploss to BE with my 2 orders usdjpy (1= 100 tp and the other order no tp)

My stop is at BE, 79.78. I like the two contacts, one runner is a great idea. I’m just one contract.

I have eurusd usdchf usdjpy all as open positions now. All currently positive but we’ll see how that goes. I moved my stop on usdjpy up to +10 because I like to move the stop up if the trade approaches +50 or so

Hello everyone,

I just entered my first trade using this system and have taken 45 pips off the table (EUR / USD). I moved my stop to lock in profit. In the future I will give the system some more room to breathe. Great system, thanks Toby!

would someone be kind enough to post a list of open orders that have yet to be triggered?

None that I know of at this time.

Pending orders:


thanks Greg,

another set up I found what’s the aud/cad; I have a pending order for 1.07289 Long.

did your eur/usd not trigger?

CORRECTION: should read (was the aud/cad)

looks like all three of these should have triggered already am I correct?

Yea, I’m long on the eur/usd at 1.327. I use Toby123 and a scalping strategy that I have been working on for awhile. If you are interested take a look at it. I’m still fine tuning it, but so far it works well for me. It kind of balances out the Toby123 swing trades. I catch one or two scalps a day.

LBR Three Ten Ocillator Scalp
It is in same section on of babypips as Toby123.

okay I’ll check out the 310 oscillator; just started reading up on the three ducks strategy; do you have any experience with that one?

I did read through 3 ducks. People seem to like it but I had trouble understanding it.

Gains using Toby123
usd/chf 83 pips
eur/chf 91 pips

It is getting late in the week, I was able to secure 0ver 80% of my targets.
Thanks again Toby123

boom 100 pips eurusd

Toby, what did you move your stop to in all these trades. Or at least that last one? I moved my stop to 25 pips for two of them and 10 for the usdjpy, but I got stopped out on all of them! Ok, so at least it’s a gain for each but it now looks like I could’ve had (I think) the full tp for all if I had of just left my stop as the original -50 pips. Break even stop may have also worked.
Just interested to know where you moved yours too.

wan, i moved my stoploss to BE for usdjpy, 2 points before hit my stoploss. (looks like BE for me with this pair)
here the inside bars for tonight:
usdjpy buystop (again)
usdcad sellstop

Hey Toby,

What about the GBP/USD (buy)? Or do you think 21 SMA isn’t trending up enough?
I’m using FX Pro for charting and it doesn’t show the USD/CAD as an inside bar (though only just).
Still in the original USD/JPY trade and the USD/CHF.

Nice system BTW.

thanks toby.

hmm, I see USDCAD as not inside bar. only by like 0.9 pips. a close one.
I see the first bar as a low of 0.99533, then the next bar (the one that would make the inside bar) is 0.99524. Therefore the potential inside bar is lower than the previous and not an inside bar at all!!
I can see that with two brokers…maybe it’s a broker thing and you in fact do see an inside bar. should be rather close though.
hmmm, what to do…it looks like maybe an ok trade…(but rules are rules and i’m seeing a non inside bar even if it is only by a whisker).

so here’s what I came up with for entries

usdjpy. buy @ 80.39
usdcad sell @ 0.9947

is that what you’re getting?

looks like a buy @ 1.5751 to me; I’m gonna give it a go and let you know how it turns out