Top 3 reasons you FAIL at TRADING FOREX

Some of the most common trading mistakes:
1 Poor risk management
2 Over trading
3 Not doing proper research

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In my view point top three reasons why traders fail are these:

  • Lack of discipline
  • Lack of knowledge and skill
  • Inability to manage risk

The top three reasons are greed, a lack of proper forex learning and poor money management.

I think the biggest reason for the failure of newcomers in the forex market is that they keep repeating the very same mistakes over and over again. They don’t learn from their mistakes and never make progress and remain stuck in the same loop. And then this leads to failure after failure and they eventually quit trading. So, the only way to attain success in forex trading would be continuous learning and not giving up until you become a skilled trader.

In my opinion lack of risk management skills is the primary cause of trader failure.

  1. Day-trading

That’s it really. Once a new trader has made that single decision the other errors associated must follow.

Going back to the OP, I don’t disagree with anything he said, but it’s going ro take more than stop-losses, risk management and a win/loose ratio to give any trader an edge.

That was an insightful read. I think the top 3 reasons for failure of forex traders would be greed, impatience and impulsiveness. All these emotions will lead to irrational decisions and major losses in the end. So, one must practise emotional control in order to become a skilled and successful forex trader in the long run.

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Reasons to fail in trading are:

  1. Lack of discipline
  2. Trading without plan
  3. Poor risk management
  1. Poor Risk Management
  2. No Trading Plan
  3. Lack of control on emotions

Many people fail at trading forex due to lack of time management skills.

So, what’s your suggestion for managing time effectively?

I would say poor risk management, lack of emotional control and trading without a plan are the top 3 reasons which leads to failure of traders in the forex market. Many traders tend to overlook the risk factor and then they encounter huge losses later on.

I find that overtrading or trying to recover your losses on a bad day is the worst decision you can make.