Total newbie - Tired of living payday to payday

Hi All,

I am totally new to any sort of online trading. Just finished watching a Tiktok live of a guy around my age in my country explaining legit online trading so here I am.


most welcome to baby pips family. you can start with psychology of school including a practice account in demo. good luck


please ensure your trading condition right now . any basic level you have finished at all ?

Welcome! Would you mind sharing the video you saw? I’m curious!

If not, what did he say or talk about?

Just started the pre-school level - School of Pipsology

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Basically encouraging people in my home country to read up and educate themselves before diving head first into trading. And he further recommended this site to get a more in depth understanding on Forex… So here I am :slight_smile:

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besides school of pips ology traders need a practice account , otherwise all attempt will fail with no doubt.

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Do I create that here?

Hello and welcome! Hope to see you around here from time to time!

You gotta find a broker to practice . Stay on here Search and it will help this site is dope.

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Hi there welcome! Also, hey @myialashaun haven’t heard from you in a while. How’re you doing?:slightly_smiling_face:

I’m doing great. Blow one small account so I went back to demo mode and been doing great. Good a little plan. Seeing if it’s plays out today.


I bees on here. Watching and reading. Lol.

That’s fine! That’s why we keep early accounts small. We all lose money at the start. Thing is to be clever and not lose too much!

Hi JUyeg,

Welcome and well done for taking the plunge into trading so many people think about it and don’t take action, give yourself a pat on the back. Make a Goal set a realistic date that you can get out of living payday to payday.

Then make a plan on how you could do it just get something written down as you gain knowledge the plan will change, just put get something down that can make you take action.

Work on your mindset self-belief, confidence, patience, and persistence. Trading is 80% psychology and your mind is what you need to train to get that into a good place and everything else will follow.

Be prepared to put in some work and don’t get discouraged by the losses keep going as you can learn so much from your losses.

I will be rooting for you!

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@JUyeg This is good advice. Use the search engine; it’s your friend! haha

Many of the questions you can think to ask as a beginner have already been discussed here. Search and explore!

Try different brokers and see what you like. Pipsology also has a section about brokers. Have fun!

good reply , i think learn from own losses is a great way to develop trading . a profit gives us a joy for a while but the experience of a
loss is a best teacher .


Yeah, I have learned to go with the moving averages. Since then my demo has gotten up; nothing but profits( well fake profits, but its cool ). The only lose is from me being afraid and closing too early. This morning I woke up to 300 profit in one demo and 150 in another demo.

Welcome to the community, @JUyeg. I’m curious. Hope you can share the video here.

Hi All, Absolute total newbie here, I have often wondered and then done nothing. Last night I had an interesting chat with a guy who is trading for 2 years and doing really well and only at 24yo. I have worked the 9 to 5 for 25 years and now I am looking for a new adventure and a way to travel and trade. I know it will not happen over night but I am starting with the pipsology course as a little preschooler again. Wish me luck.

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