Total newbie to forex, eager to learn more

Hi Everyone,

I’m Natalie. I’m from New Zealand, however currently living in Australia. I work for an accounting software company in sales for financial enterprises and accountancy practises. All the while trying to finsih my degree in Accountancy and Finance.

I have no experience in trading, but I am highly interested in learning to do so. I do have a fair lot of knowledge about crypto and some what about trading. I hope I can learn how to trade with babypips and gain further knowledge.

Looking forward to learning with everyone :blush:

Welcome aboard. With your working and educational lifestyle, learning to be successful trading FX is a huge challenge.

Ignore social media marketing hype, it’s mainly fantasy land. The reality is months, maybe years of hard work.

Learn from this great education site and practise on a demo account. See if it suits you.

Best of luck.


Hello there and welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Take your time, focus on learning and do not rush into trading with your real money. Good luck!

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You will have a solid foundation coming into trading for sure both in terms of what you do and also being accustomed to putting the work in to learn. Best of luck!