Hello Everyone,
I am a Total Newbie to the Forex market and am so happy to have found a site that will allow me to learn the trade from people who are more experienced.
Just a little about myself as way of introduction. I am a freelance writer and author. I was born and raised in the US but have spent most of my life traveling and working around the world.
I now live in the Philippines with my wife and our half dog/half child Cali.
What’s up Gregg.
Do you usually write about trading or the markets in general or do you write about other subjects? And what in the name of pips is a half dog/half child?! LOL.
Hey Big,
I write on a variety of nonfiction subjects from food to business management. I haven’t written about the markets other than some copy writing. I learned long ago write what you know and other than some small investments have no experience as a trader.
A half dog/half child is how we talk about and treat, our dog, Cali. My wife doesn’t have any children (I have 6 grown and gone) so Cali has become a replacement child for us. She is a rescue puppy and to be honest is better behaved than any of my kids ever were.