Tracking Hurricane Dorian

…and to think, this is only the “D” hurricane of the season…:grimacing:

Sunny and a mild breeze here just west of Orlando, a little rain earlier but now the next rain ban is two hours away, Most businesses are closed today so I guess not much to do but stir up trouble here by speaking a little truth. People (or should I say Governments) hate the truth, just look at all the truth-tellers throughout history that have been imprisoned or killed,

All well around your way? Got some friends in NC and Tidewater area of VA who’ll have to worry about this shortly.

Hopefully it starts moving and the tracks stay east and more east, out to sea.

“This is unprecedented,” said Jeff Masters, meteorology director at Weather Underground. “We’ve never had a Category 5 stall for so long in the Atlantic hurricane record.”

Crazy video of the airport in the Bahamas

Looks like Florida dodged another one…for now…

live cam of Cocoa Beach, this is about 50 miles east of Orlando

Holy crap. What’s the track they’re seeing for Gabrielle? Man, the Carolinas again. :tired_face:

Nope, the Carolinas needn’t worry about Gabrielle.

It looks like she wants to race Dorian to Iceland :grinning:

Meanwhile, Dorian has strengthened to Cat-3.

The Carolinas can’t seem to catch a break.

Here’s a report from Chicken Noodle News (CNN) –

Y’all up that way, be careful!

Stay safe everyone!

The U.S. says, "Goodbye, and good riddance!" to Dorian.

But, this nasty storm isn’t finished. According to the latest track from the National Hurricane Center, Dorian – now a Cat-1 hurricane – is going to strengthen one more time (over the ocean) to Category 2, so he can try to inflict some pain on Nova Scotia.

Die, Dorian, die.

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And the next ones with a chance to develop.

Just before Dorian