

I’ve story to share.
Account manager Leo Wilde ([email protected]) from Trade-24 call me and sent me the trading performance shown the trading statement from professional trader name Michael Svealodge. The performance is very good. I’ve to be VIP account only (min. deposit $50,00) then only I can be in the program of trading by pros.(account management) I invested $50,000 on 9th Nov '13 by wire transfer & credit card.

After a week I didn’t see any change in my MT4 platform then I wrote email to my account manager. Leo Wilde replied me with screen capture statement that it was start trading since 11 Nov’13 with profit $2,793. He posted that profit in internal, bonus category (not in account balance) I requested Leo to make my account statement clear in MT4 platform he said it need some times to make it visible in MT4 as real time. I waited for another 2 weeks later then it started showing in MT4 real time.

I requested Leo for the statement of past period since trading started on 11 Nov’13 that he mentioned in the email that it was $4,566 in profit. But he couldn’t provide it. I requested to stop account management program and withdraw all fund.

But at the time it has open position in negative profit about -$3,000 I’ve to close all open position with approx. $3,000 lost. This time it has no restriction to withdraw.

I raised withdrawal request for $15,000 on 2nd Jan '14 no respond from this broker after many days I called dealing team they said they’ve seen my request & it will process in 2-3 days.

I raised another withdrawal request for another $10,000 on 8th Jan '14 also no respond.

I decided to withdraw all $44,892.34 on 9th Jan '14 also no respond. I called them many times. Every time different person said they have seen my request it will take 2-3 day to process. Until today 29 Jan '14 no respond on my request. I’ve called even secretary she replied my email that she will send my issue to responsible person.

Withdrawal request on 2nd till 29th Jan '14 no respond from this ridiculous stealer broker.

Since I’m trying something, later the full story will be sharing here till the end.

Here is another thread regarding the company. Please keep us updated.

this is the second thread about this broker, i think we should be aware about this broker


Has this been resolved? I have an account with this broker, and I am starting to get the chills about them.


You need to contact the governing authorities (is the broker regulated by a financial regulatory body?).