Is there any free web sites that gives some sort of Trade direction bias, not with charts or any details just an overall market bias, and considered to be quite good?
Is there any free web sites that gives some sort of Trade direction bias, not with charts or any details just an overall market bias, and considered to be quite good?
If you google fx nation live or dc bonta, he has a free site where he posts daily trends and s/r levels of the 4 major pairs. I check it daily and use it as a general guide to what the 4 majors are doing or might do.
Also, if you are looking at a chart and it looks sloppy and your not sure which way to trade, try moving up a timeframe or 2 and see if it doesnt clean up the picture a bit.
If I cant tell whats going on on the 15, ill go to the hourly, then the 4 hour, I actually will go as high as the monthly from time to time.