Trade plan idea for reviews?

hey guys, im new here, but i assume i can post a trade plan i have and get some ideas on your thoughts?


Post it up.

You’re sure to get a few thoughts about it.
I can’t promise they’ll all be positive, but they will all probably be honest:)

There may be something you missed brought to light.


Ok, its my first one so please be kind :slight_smile: I feel like I’m about to give a bunch of pitbulls a bunch of raw red bloody meat but here we go!

I included a screenshot for ease of use, but this is what I was thinking.

Scale in two orders at 7234 + 7221
Stops at 7262

First target at 7094
Second target at 7000

So I would be risking 69 pips to make 140 on my first target and 221 on my second.



What are the rules of your trading plan?

What money management system are you using?

How exactly do you determine your entry/exit/SL etc?

Lay out the real meat and veg of your system, make it easier to evaluate.
