Trade set ups chat!

Thanks buddy, I appreciate the feedback

Glad to hear but I’m waiting on buys now long term

50 pips are not bad :wink:

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The bears continue toward the 1.06270 level! Price will unlikely breach this point and continues to offer up massive buying opportunities for the future. Week to week I will be looking for reversals but we may be here some time. I have no wishes to place any sells in this pair at all as we are likely to see momentum slowing and stalling very soon. How are you planning to trade this pair?

Not trading EURCHF at the moment but will be looking for buys when the time is right.


Th consolidation continues but even though a short term likely buy is in the cards my bias is still to the downside as the US may seek to strengthen from the caronavirus outbreak. The trend lines and s&r have been highlighted here for you to seek to profit from breakouts or if you would like to trade the range. For more information on how the pandemic will effect the markets and to avoid making losses view this video linked here.


Sitting right on the 1.3 level of support, rejection happening on the higher time frames, I do wonder if this is setting up for Brexit day on Friday?!?!

This ones heading down as soon as Trumpy tweets about the Huawei deal

great minds think alike.

Great video mate. :+1: I didn’t think it can affect so much the market except the safe havens.

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Ready for the gbp flying up tomorrow


need more of this!

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Interesting video, any analysis for gpbusd this week ?


Despite the epic candles down, I’m still long till it breaks 1.3

Got horizontal and diagonal support as well as being a strong support level. Won’t being jumping in mind, need some very good PA to take this trade.


good thoughts


Well it did drop big time today, still go up long term though I think

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Think the safe havens are strong at the moment all the time China is on lock down. Having such an effect on hte markets at the moment.

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What do you suggest? Gold or cryptos ?

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Despite rocky fundamentals we’re still trading this range and I’m taking sells when opportunity presents from the top when possible. With the support trend line broken it will be Interesting to see now if the downward momentum can finally breakthrough the 1.29800 level at long last. Fundamentally the US may have enough pressure to carry this out.


Gold for more secure trading