Trade yourself or copy trades for you?

Hello dear babypips community

I’ve been trading for a while now and I’ve always had the problem that my trades were sometimes good and sometimes bad. But it was never enough to be profitable in the long term. I have tried my hand at prop trading companies many times and have always failed.

Now I was wondering if there aren’t already professional traders who can trade for me through a prop trading company. I have now found this service and can copy profitable trades to my account and at the same time improve my trading strategy until I can do it myself.

This is not network marketing and not a scam, just someone who understood a problem and solved it.

Is that interesting or do you say I would only trade myself?

You basically ask if there is a mentor that will teach you to earn money. This doesn’t make sense given that the necessary knowledge can be monetized in a much more more profitable way (i.e. trading using this knowledge). So be aware of scam and useless courses especially if they cost a lot.

why would those “professional traders” want to trade for you through a prop-shop when - without risking their own capital - they can trade for themselves through a prop-shop and not need to share the profits with you?

in two senses -

in the visual sense, there would appear (at least without a very convincing answer to the question above) to be some all-too-obvious red flags

and in the auditory sense there would appear (at least without a very convincing answer to the question above) to be some all-too-obvious alarm bells

in short, if they already have such reliable trading skills, and an arrangement with a prop-shop, then what do they need you for?

might it be some of your money, one way or another?

i strongly suggest you ask why!

it is, nevertheless, rather suspicious - as indeed such things typically tend to be, when it needs to be stated up-front that they’re neither network marketing nor a scam


That is so interesting… which is why you must ask a lot of questions. if it is not network marketing, then "How did you get to know about them?"

Thanks for your answer!

Each person can only make 3 accounts with this prop trading company, which means they cannot scale it without customers.

A Friend of me is the Co-Founder. They don’t do marketing even don’t have a Webside, they just scale her profits with other people and share it, so it is a win win situation

Now, it gets even more interesting

Something here sound fishy!
Call me skeptical but why we work? because of money (at least it’s one of the reasons). So these so-called professionals, why they don’t trade with their own capital?
Also, I rather to trade myself. If your strategies fail, it means you should find the source of problem and solve it. letting others trade for you is just avoiding the fact that ther’s something wrong with your strategies.

What do you mean?

I ask them:
at FTMO you don’t have to risk your own Money, cause if you lose money at FTMO you don’t have to pay it by yourself. When you take 200K of your own money you have much more risk, cause you have take all the losses.

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Welcome to the forum ThimonS

Reading into this, I think the issue is that your not yet a very good trader and appear to be trying to get away with just following others rather than learning yourself. My suggestion would to get back to basics and immerse yourself in more education. Once your fully educated you should try another prop firm challenge.

I wish you all the luck for the future.

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They are not marketing, yet they need people to scale the profits to share? I don’t know about you but it doesn’t add up.

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exactly - this is the big question

absolutely right :slight_smile:

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I still do not get what their angle is. Unless if our fellow community member @ThimonS is actually marketing them as it is :thinking:

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If you’re having trouble making money from trading, you found a way to copy successful trades, but you need to decide whether you want to trade on your own or use this service. Make sure you research both options and understand the pros and cons.

Personally, I am not in favor of going for expensive courses because I do agree with you that most of those courses are scam.

I think that this is probably the worst place to ask this question lol. I can’t imagine anybody here being like “omg, definitely copy trade!” :sweat_smile: