Tradeguider and VSA

So we all know not to pay for anything online which promises to make you rich. the holy grail system.

I have watched all Tradeguider vids on youtube and many are webinars showing live trades. The system seems legit and pretty good actually. The only problem is that they sell it. Something like $2000 a year. Now we all know of people selling systems to entice idiots into buying it, but is this the case for Tradguider?

The guys seem to spend way too much time promoting their product to make money from us instead of using their “great” system to make themselves even more money. The guy travels the world for webinars and sessions to sell the product and uses Tom Williams who created VSA. It really seems legit but it makes me wonder if VSA really works.

Why are they spending so much time to sell this product when they could simply keep it secret and make themselves rich…

Are they saying “our system VSA does not work, so we will sell it to make money”?

The strategy looks great and I am learning the VSA concept now using what i learn in my own method for MT4 but i’m just concerned why there doing this. We all no most people promote their system to make money because it doesnt work.



VSA works, PA works, S/D works… the thing is that all of this tools do not work every single time, plus if you take into account the human factor, a strategy could be more or less effective.

I tried VSA as peterfader teaches it, it works very good, but is not my type of trading so I was not as successful as I am with PA, S/D. but that was only because of me.

About gurus, experts, and mentors they might be good traders… but as I have learned here is much more easy to explain a trade after it has completed than before… so if you can make easy money with this … why not… no risk like in FX :smiley:

On a general level, VSA S&R S&D and all other variations if there are any is just like Tomatoes TOMATOES, potatoes POTATOES.

Its the nuances and little variations that traders use with these things are what makes the difference.

That cannot be thought or bought. It has to be learned through screen time and experience.

And I also believe that it only comes to those who have their head right in their approach to trading and taking risks in the market. It wont come to those who are making obvious fundamental mistakes in their approach, yet are banging on the door with different systems on a weekly basis.

That is the reason why any system that is out there works best when applied by the person who thought of it. Sometimes the nuances are subconscious.

I believe I trade some form of PA. But than that is the underlying concept. I have than other layers on top of it to increase my winning ratio. As time passed, I realise I am taking positions less and less because now I am picking and choosing the entries I want to trade, instead of banging away at all chart formations that formed based on PA. This has cut down my loosing entries even further.

So I guess its safe to say that a system might be sound on theory, but executing it is not something that will come naturally and in a profitable way for everyone who has learned that system, either for free or for a fee.

I have thought many friends on how to trade on high leverage. I think only two are successful ( read havent killed their account! ). The reason is these two got an eye or feel for what to watch out for. The rest just followed word to word and ended up being even more confused that they started out!.

The dos and donts are the same for all systems. The risk and money management, though can be adjusted, is also pretty much the same. And finally, golden rules like not to swim against the current etc applies to all systems. Get these things figured out and a trader can pretty much trade any system and still be profitable.

So there you go.

Nikitafx is totally right. The best system is one you made yourself. There are many profitable systems out there but if you don’t believe in it for the long term then when you start losing you will be scared away. I’ve seen it happen so many times it not funny. Then when you get scared and run away, it goes back up again. Then when you see it going up and see how much money you would of made you trade it again. Then what happens? It goes down and you just lost again. Then you might start picking the trades to trade but that’s not really trading the system. If you do that you will lose.

I learnt from real traders that made real trades in front of me and i did it for work in my early 20’s. They say it takes 10,000 hours to become good at anything and i wouldn’t be surprised if that’s how long it took for me to get good at trading since in my early days i was studying like mad and looked at charts until my eyes bled. I had a deep profound desire to become good and eventually i got it. Good traders aren’t kidding when they say the mind is the battle ground to successful trading. It really is. Now i have my own growing business, my trading style is almost complete and utter boredom and I only trade at 30 minutes a day.

I’ve recently subscribed to tradeguider service which includes the MT4 add-in. As i’m new to VSA i think its a great way to familiarise yourself with the different VSA patterns and explanations that TG gives. And it does come from people who seem to know the VSA & Wyckoff method.

As i’ve been VSA reading books its sometime difficult to identify the VSA patterns and this software definitely helps. Probably as i get better i won’t need the add-in. But for now i find it useful.

Here’s how I look at paying for anything. I separate price into 2 categories. 1. Cost 2. Value The reason most in experienced anything don’t get the most out of their purchases has nothing to do with cost or value. They don’t have enough know-how to see if they should be looking at costs or value. Example 1 program costs $1000. 2. program costs $1500. Can you tell me which is the better buy? If you answered either one with yes you’d be wrong. Your wrong because you don’t have enough information that you can make a good decision as to value. Program 1 has a detailed training program which describes how you can turn your $1000 investment into profit within the first 30 days by simply following the simple price action method. They also have by weekly webinaires and 50 recomendations from traders who have purchased the program for $1000. Program 2 also offers a detailed plan on how you can put the balance of probabilities on your side by following their PA method and 2% money management plan. They don’t have weekly webinaires, but they do offer an on going very active members only forum of traders who have purchased the plan, plus in addition to the forum, you also get the trader who is offering and demonstrating program’s personal email and skype information and are told if you have any questions if you don’t want to place them in the forum use the email or skype. What’s the better value now?

Whether you pay for something or it’s free, you have to know enough about what’s being offered to make a good decision. Don’t just look at price or cost spend most of your time looking for value and that goes for the free stuff as well. Before I pay for anything, I look at the concept, what type of ongoing support and how long have they been around, searches for reviews. Even with all that you still need to have a basic understanding of what’s being offered to you. Anyway that’s my 2 cents

Well, as you said if this system is that good and working so good than why they are sell in it. I wouldn’t buy any software or system, it just doesn’t make a sense to me.

Rambo, I’m in no way endorsing Tradeguider software but…

I’ve always heard this “If your system works, why would you……”

Do people really think that one day a light bulb goes off and you quickly become rich? That you never have losing days or weeks or months once you are “profitable”? That you cross to the other side where money is easy and all finances are suddenly taken care of for life? That nothing else but trading is a valid addition to your income?

lol snap out of it.

VSA works. Period.

Tradeguider is OK. I hate to admit that I bought it. I did actually get a good deal on it, something like $500 for lifetime software and the teaching materials and some mentoring. However, then I found the BP thread on VSA…

All I can say is that the TG software will confuse the sh*t out of you. It points out ‘signals’ like every other bar, and I’m not exagerrating. If you have to use discretion, then why do you even need signals?

VSA is a method, not a system. It will allow you to apply some great concepts to give you an advantage in the market, and there are really only a handful of things you need to look for and understand. For me, the TG software was filled with WAY too many useless symbols that added more confusion than clarity. It is my firm belief, that not every bar needs to be analyzed and labeled. I want to understand the bigger picture, and then use a couple individual bars just for entry.

Try out the two VSA threads on BP before you buy anything. If you can’t understand VSA after studying these two treads, you may want to try a different method, as you will only get more confused by TGs software.

This is just one man’s opinion.

Good Luck!

I’ve always heard this "If your system works, why would you……"
LOL I love this ‘age old’ question, Pete… “If it works why would they sell it?” Hmmmm, probably for the same reason they got into trading… to make more friggin’ money dude!!

I agree. Especially works. This might help. Here are the notes I kept by my screen while I traded

Accumulation phase. When institutional traders buy at wholesale prices
Mark up phase. Bullish movement
Distribution phase. When institutional traders are selling at retail prices
Markdown Bearish Movement
Cycle complete starts over at accumulation phase

Hope this helps

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