Traders in the FX market

Good day, all

I have a problem with the current trading environment as follows:

Everyone has an opinion, stated as a fact. This is not possible in any universe.

The difference between quantum mechanics and quantum physics is the validity of a question! In quantum mechanics you will receive an answer, no matter how incomplete the question or how stupid the question is to the application…In quantum physics on the other hand, your question would be rejected as either incomplete or irrelevant. Reverse the situation from question to statement and the same rules apply! Yet, when it comes to trading, people use the quantum mechanics module…So everyone is right, no matter what they suggest or ask.

I find this seriously insulting, but I guess this is the world that I live in.

Nobody can tell someone else that they are talking nonsense, this is offensive. Justifiably so if you don’t have a measurement for what is truth and fiction. Any idea is valid, any question or answer is valid. Therefore you are implementing quantum mechanics where anything could be relevant at any given moment of time. This is the equivalent of always being right. Either in real-time, or hind-sight. You are never wrong, even if you were wrong, for there is an answer for why you were correct in being wrong. Seriously?

This mentality breads disaster. I read a post of a member stating that 70% of traders run at a loss. This was true 25 years ago, not now. With marketing and the influx of traders the true figure is that 3% of traders are successful. The rest are donating their money to the machine. This means that we have 97% of people who have an opinion when they should rather be listening!!! And yet, due to being polite to everyone, they can spew it out as they see fit and everyone else must be polite or shut up.

My final and most valid point is as follows.
Think for yourself! Do what you feel is right, even if it is wrong. That is how you learn. Trading is not a microwave meal…It is a lifestyle.
Most people suffer from Ultracrepidarianism…Look the word up if you have to, puts everything in a nutshell.

Peace and happy tradings!!!


Nice post @Ignis_Draco, I was going to comment on a number of things along the way down reading your article, but then the summary made that really unnecessary as you’ve basically just made a summary I agree with.
In short, we can not control the opinion of others, or how they arrive at those opinions, or how they share these opinions. That’s what the internet really is in a nutshell.
What we can control however is where to listen, who to listen to, how to listen, and how to process the information received. That one is in our control and frankly, that is really more than enough to go on. This applies in the world of Forex and everywhere else.

I’ll be sure to stick around with many of your posts in the future.

I agree with your sentiments, there are many traders whose investment is in being right and being seen to be right. They tend to see everything that everyone else is doing as wrong and we all get to hear how wrong they are. These same guys by the way are often very reluctant to divulge details of what they’re doing which is so good.

By the way, the percentages of active winning forex traders in the EU is about 25%. Current figures have to be disclosed by law here now on brokers’ literature and websites.


Hi tommor

You specified the EU, I gave world estimated figure.

Speaking of the EU, they have to give guidance and trade ideas (trading guidance) by law. So you can trade without learning just by following their trade ideas and walk away with a profit. That is good for the EU, making sure they get their share of capital gains tax, another subject for another day.

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Thank you for the nice comment, glad you didn’t spank me too early :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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A sensible perspective. People can talk from personal experience and share views and opinions without having to insist on being right, and others can take or leave it as they personally see fit. There is no need nor place to criticise the length or value of another person’s views. Genuinely discussing and questioning, on the other hand, are positive features and indications of a serious forum.

Hopefully, you are careful to practise what you are now so fervently preaching! :wink:

I did have to. A new term for me. Thank you for the education :slight_smile:


You made me laugh!!!

Touche…Another word to look up on…LOL

Yeah, I gave you greave, you repaid it in kind.

Having said that, I will stick to my guns. Freanimies for now LOL

Freanimies = the term that me and my 5 month old son created. Friendly enemies when he is angry.

I had to specify this, don’t think any dictionary shows this. Please correct me if I am wrong, I like to update my wording when possible.

PS: I hate it when admins are normal forum members, don’t you?

We all have the right to do that. (PS, Note, though, for the record, your OP is actually longer than mine that you criticised for its length. But I will agree that your content is certainly more useful and relevant than mine which you described as full of empty wind - even though it was not even replying to you!)

But that is history and enough said to cover reminiscences. There are better things to talk about! :slight_smile:

Also, for the record, I am not your “Freanimies” at all. I have no enemies from my side - although I am sure there are others that do consider me their enemy - but that is their problem and their headache not mine.

I simply do not have the interest to play macho games or feed other peoples’ ego trips - I am speaking generally now - this site is about forex and about learning forex in particular, those are the only topics I am interested in - when I smell “troll” I simply back off. I think that is the best policy don’t you agree?

Personally, i think the moderation on this site is exemplary. It is sharp, prompt and effective - but with enough leeway to allow people to sort things themselves. We are all human and are all seeking the same goals and we are all on the same side. If you like, the only enemy I see in forex is the lack of good education for beginners and we should be unified in our attempts to address that, not scoring points off one another as so often happens on less well moderated forums (not that I have any great experience of any other forum than BP).

But I am in danger of over-running the word count here so I will shut up! :smiley:

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You over-run the word count by the second paragraph. I needed a nap between reading this. You get the pun!!!

But you win, sort of, also lost on a few points.

  1. My content was taken out of context by most, not knowing how to pause before continuing to read…What I tried to prove by stating the difference between quantum mechanics is physics. The subtlety was over-looked.

Off course you think the moderation on the site is good…Protect the “babies” …Sometimes the wolves need to step up and thin the herd. For the greater good of quality of content.


You cannot have a herd of sheep dictating to the wolves. The wolves will leave, leaving you with goats in charge of stupid sheep. Put that in a box and predict the cat’s future…

And obviously I mean it as nice as possible, Mr Manxx

This is precisely what I mean.

Forex is about people not animals. People trying their best to make something that can be frustrating and damaging both financially and mentally.

It is people with their experience that can help others along the way, there is no place here for sheep, cows, goats, wolves or any other inhabitants from the local zoo- except perhaps the proverbial bears and bulls, of course, and maybe the experiences of the pigs that got slaughtered.

You can be a person, or you can choose to be a wolf, or a sheep or just a stray coot - I doubt anyone here really cares.

Do you actually have anything to say about trading, by any chance?

I do

You cannot calculate trading most people here try to do. There is no method, period. No chart pattern, no technical analysis, no fundamental analysis.

Since you are well versed, I will give you a proper example:

My 2 favorites are the GBP/JPY (Forex Ferrari) and the EUR/HKD(Forex Demon)

Do you think I am stupid enough to run the same chart on these creatures at the same time? NO

You cannot use Elliot Wave on EUR/HKD, it will damage you for life…You cannot use technical analysis on GBP/JPY since that Ferrari will make a U-Turn in a second if you do not understand that the JPY is NOT a floating currency…Paired against the strongest currency in the world ( not in volume), that mother of a noodle can turn on a dime and hit 300KPH

Do I have something to offer, no. There is no magic bullet. All I have is experience, you cannot teach that.

Maybe I shouldn’t disagree with you on that, but I suspect you do, actually, have something to offer here - and probably quite a lot! :slight_smile:

Newcomers to forex trading do not have any form of graded, verified, authenticised, audited, or certified training material. As you and I, and most other experienced traders here, know most beginners are wandering in the dark looking for guidance and direction and their learning curve is built on haphazard personal experience in rhe so-called school of hard knocks. Trouble is, for many, those knocks actually knock them clean out of the ring.

We who have been there and come out alive surely have a great deal of knowledge and advice for beginners that can help keep their feet on the ground and their focus sharpened. Don’t you think?

I know, many newcomers here are actually only hoping to pick up a simple trading strategy that is going to earn them a place on a sunny beach with a $50 starter equity and without having to understand anything - that is surely never going to happen! :slight_smile: But there are others that are easily identifiable as intelligent and motivated people with realistic objectives, an understanding of the risks and a drive to work hard to achieve their goals.

You say you cannot teach you experience. Maybe, but I think you can certainly use your experience to help and advise others.

Give it a try - you might find you become a veritable hero here! I hope so! :slight_smile:

I wish you a fine weekend, my friend.

I will take your advice…

I will refrain from giving comments in the next month, so as to learn the mentality of the people. Then I will only reply on my strong points, GBP/JPY etc and hopefully find a person who can refine my EUR/HKD phenomenon.

On the contrary! Talk as much as you can with the others here! :slight_smile:

You are an interesting character and surely the best way to get to know people is to talk with them?

Just try to remember that some of us old fossils take 5000 words to say something that needs only 5! :joy: After all patience and sufferance are virtues - especially in trading! :wink:

Now I promise to leave you in peace……

Interesting convo @anon46773462 @Ignis_Draco… nice exchange between you guys… I smell the interchange of intellect and that is where I like to be… one perhaps too bluntly truthful for some quieter ones like meself here :slight_smile: the other diplomatic and willing to accommodate as many as possible :). You guys should get married haha :smile:

looking forward to future exchanges between you two. :wink:


Thank you, @macilme.
My prime motivator here on BP is that we are all on the same side and we all have something to offer that can be of help to others.
Everyone agrees that Forex trading is not the easiest profession in the world so why not all work together for the mutual good?
As @Ignis_Draco said, we all have views and opinions and there is no absolute right or wrong, but we can learn from each other even when we disagree!

It is the process of thinking about the points that others raise that develops our own understanding of issues and opens up other issues that we may not have even been aware of previously.


@macilme and @anon46773462

I would like to know what you two do for a living. I suspect degrees in psychology or otherwise relevant profession. The two of you are too well versed in human behavior to be decadent observers.

At any rate, please let me know so that I can index and categorize correctly, since my job is the opposite of what you do. I reverse engineer to create information security. Makes me the blunt one that no-one likes, feedback is my creation tool, content is irrelevant…

Having said that, I did Industrial Law and Theology. Corporate covert surveillance and lifestyle audits for government anti-corruption.

It would just be interesting to know how you two got to trading.

Nope! :slight_smile: Nothing so exotic! But I am not so keen on being indexed, categorised or processed in any other way so we can leave it at that! :joy:

Not at any rate either haha… :slight_smile:
I’m just an average joe who reads a lot. Degree in Mechanical Engineering but I’m into Sales and Marketing.

Mechanical Engineering is awesome, I did low voltage circuit design.

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