Traders Support Club (Alistair Crooks) course - is it worth purchasing

Hi guys,
I know there has been a topic on this in the beginners section a few years back. But there simply isn’t enough evidence there.

I am glad to say I am not a complete beginner and have made significant progress via trial and error, backtesting and reading certain content online (very selectively). But it has been a slow process for me, like it probably is for most people. I did end up buying one course, but it was quite a while ago and it was cheap, only a tiny fraction of my capital. Wasn’t very useful though.
It’s been a long time since, and I am now at the stage where I would like to accelerate my learning and fill in the gaps in my knowledge. And I don’t mind paying a certain amount of money for it, if, and only if the educator can be trusted. I don’t have any illusions about trading educators and I know that the vast majority are totally useless.
However, recently I have come across Alistair Crooks and his project Traders Support Club (UK based). I have seen multiple videos of this guy talk about trading on Youtube and have also contacted him via email, asking him multiple questions about trading based on technicals. As I said, I don’t have any illusion about trading educators and the world we live in, but all I can say is - this guy sounds very different and he really seems to know what he is talking about. The videos I have seen and the responses I got from him gave me a certain belief that his course COULD be a “real deal”. In terms of defining the “real deal” - something that will accelerate my learning, something that will fill in the gaps in my knowledge, something I won’t regret paying £2500 for (that’s the price if I remember correctly). Anyway, I don’t want to make this message way too long, has anyone had any experience with them?

Save your money. You can get a pro trader course for free. Look up Tom Hougaard at who will send you by email, a definitive The Trading Manual learning course for free. It’s excellent, covers all aspects of trading.

it’s my desktop bible.

Thanks, I will look into this. I am assuming you are talking about the pdf called “The First Trading Manual - Foundation Course and Strategies”?

yes, that’s it.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on your learning. There are many reliable sources that offer free education.