Trading books? Anyone from Florida? Lets connect!

Hello everyone,

I’m new to the forex world, excited to start my journey and chat with everyone. I’ve always lived in fear thinking its too late to start, but wanting to break the pattern in my family history. I’ve been entrepreneuring in the insurance field and think its time to expand my horizon.

Much appreciated if you have any Books that stood out to you during your journey that i should buy in the trading world, I do love to read so anything will help, thanks so much :slight_smile:

Hey Jordan! I am from FL, Pensacola area. Hope all is well! I dont know if the picture will upload above or not. I recommend “The Art of Currency Trading” by Brett Donnelly. It has a blue cover. It goes from the basics to more advanced trading concepts and economic data trading. I reference it often!

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Appreciate it! I’ll definitely take a look at it, thanks so much! I’m located near Tampa, hopefully making my way down to Miami eventually.

Welcome to the community, @JordanRiver222. It’s never too late to start learning anything. I suggest that you start with the education section here. Just ask away here in the community if some things aren’t clear to you. Good luck on your fx trading journey.