Trading buddies in Arizona

Hello all, I started to learn trading seriously for about an year and half, I lost a lot of money in the beginning, but I slowly started minimizing my losses and am in a position of break even point, getting few losses and few profits to cover it up, it all feels overwhelming sometimes, I wanted someone to talk about what I am doing and what is the best way to go from here. If you felt the same anytime, hit me up and let’s analyze your situation. It would be ok with me even if you are New to trading and currently in Arizona, I am willing to teach everything I know.

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Hello! I’m not from Arizona but I just want to say welcome to the community and congrats on your progress. I guess it’s normal to feel overwhelmed at times, especially when you’re starting. Good luck and I hope you find someone who can be your trading buddy.

Welcooooome! :blush: I think it’s great that you’re still determined to pursue forex though you had a rough start. :smiley: Although people here are from all over the world, maybe we can still be trading buddies? :sweat_smile: If you’re comfortable with sharing and asking questions, I’m sure a lot of members here would also be happy to hear your story and ideas. :blush: