Trading Commission and leverage related question

I have a question.

If $1000 is invested to trade forex with a leverage ratio of 1:100 than one can trade a lot of $100000, if that is true, than the profit will be $10 for 1 pip moves higher than the buying price. Now the question is from that $10 profit how much money trader will get? will the trader have to pay the broker a portion of the profit? or the trader will receive all the profit?

another question is- suppose from the 1st trade trader made $10 from a $1000 investment at 1:100 leverage. After trader close the trade, will the balance be $1010 ? if yes then after trader open another trade, will the leverage be 1010: (1010 x 100) ?

Please explain.

  1. You must overcome the spread to make profit first or pay a commission to the broker.

USD/JPY bid 101.90 ask 101.93, three pip spread you must overcome to first break even.

As the TheDarkKnight said you will have to overcame the spread first which means that is the broker’s commission. And yes if your trade made $10 on $1000 investment your balance will be ($1010 x leverage).

Thanks, the answer was helpful :slight_smile: